Voice Mail ServiceFor assistance, please visit http://www.panasonic.com/consumersupport 614 Push the joystick up or down repeatedlyto select “On” or “Off”.5 Press {SAVE}, then press {OFF}.Listening to Voice MailmessagesThe unit will let you know that you havenew Voice Mail messages in the followingways:– The VM indicator on the base unit willflash.– “Voice Mail” will be displayed on thehandset.– The message indicator on the handsetwill flash slowly if message alert featureis turned on.Note:L If your Voice Mail service uses VoiceMail tones and the message is over 3minutes long, the handset may notindicate new messages.L If your Voice Mail service uses VoiceMail tones, the tones will be heard fromany phone connected to the same line. Ifyou want to use another phone to listento Voice Mail messages, you have to dialyour access number manually.Listening to messages using thehandset1 Press {C} or {s}, then press {VM}within 15 seconds.L If {VM} is not displayed, the VoiceMail access number has not beenstored. Store the number (page 60).ORPress {MENU} (center of the joystick),then press {VM}.L The speakerphone will turn on.L If the handset beeps 3 times, theVoice Mail access number has notbeen stored. Store the number (page60).2 Follow the pre-recorded instructions.3 Press {OFF} when finished.Note:L If “Voice Mail” still remains on thedisplay even after you have listened tonew messages, turn it off by pressingand holding {OFF} until the handsetbeeps.Listening to messages using the baseunit1 Press {VM}.L If the base unit beeps 3 times, theVoice Mail access number has notbeen stored. Store the number (page60).L The speakerphone will turn on.2 Follow the pre-recorded instructions.3 Press {SP-PHONE} when finished.Note:L If the VM indicator still flashes even afteryou have listened to new messages,turn it off by using the handset. Pressand hold {OFF} until the handset beeps.TG5561_5566.book Page 61 Thursday, April 7, 2005 12:07 PM