1.3 Telephone Features and Operation130 Operating Manual1.3.68 VOICE MAIL FEATURESThe following services are available using a Voice Processing System:1.3.69 Voice Mail Features—LCS (Live Call Screening)Before operating• Create a Live Call Screening (LCS) button (Personal Programming).• Select the mode, either Hands-free or Private (Personal Programming).• Set the extension PIN (Personal Identification Number).• Set the Live Call Screening feature.Features DescriptionVoice Mail IntegrationYou or an outside party can access the Voice Processing System froma telephone.(→ 1.3.71 Voice Mail Features—Voice Mail Integration)Live Call Screening (LCS)Using a Panasonic Voice Processing system that supports digitalintegration (e.g., KX-TVA series), you can monitor a call withoutanswering while the caller is leaving a message in your mailbox.(→ 1.3.69 Voice Mail Features—LCS (Live Call Screening))Two-way RecordUsing a Panasonic Voice Processing system that supports digitalintegration (e.g., KX-TVA series), you can record a conversation into amailbox while talking on the phone.(→ 1.3.70 Voice Mail Features—Two-way Record)• Voice Processing System features are not available for SIP Extension users.Using a Panasonic Voice Processing system that supports digital integration (e.g., KX-TVA series), you can monitor a call without answering while the caller is leaving a messagein your mailbox. If you so desire, you can answer the call while monitoring. There are twomethods available as follows:Hands-free mode (Default):You can monitor the message automatically, live through the telephone speaker.Private mode:You will hear an alarm tone while the caller is leaving a message.