2.9 Using the Display Proprietary TelephoneOperation 1192.9 Using the Display Proprietary Telephone2.9.1 Calling Using the Call Log (Incoming Call Log) [KX-T7433, KX-T7436, KX-T7230, KX-T7235 only]If you do not answer an outside call, the caller's information is recorded automatically in the call log.When the SHIFT button light turns on, there is a call in the call log. You can also store a call log duringa conversation. (See "2.9.2 Recording a Call Log [KX-T7433, KX-T7436, KX-T7230, KX-T7235only].") Up to 30 calls can be logged per extension. You can select how the 31st call is treated; eithera new call can be disregarded or a new call overwrites the oldest call. (Default: Overwrite)You can modify and call back the logged numbers.To confirmTo clear the log• With the KX-T7433 and the KX-T7230, press the INFO button to scroll through information.• To modify the phone no, press the " " key to erase and then enter the number. The numberis modified from the first digit. The new number is programmed.• To return to the initial display, press MENU button or go off-hook and on-hook.Display PTWhile on-hook CO02:Panasonic012345678Nina ThomasOct22 09:00PMSEQ01 2 CallsMENU CLR NEXTOutside line no. & namePhone no.Caller’s nameReceipt date & timeSequence no. (01-30) & called time (max. 15)ORPress “OLD” or “NEW.” OLD:Information you have already confirmed.NEW:Information you have not yet confirmed.OLDNEWPress “CLR.”Display PTCLR