General Programming180 Programming Guide[406] Caller ID AssignmentDescriptionEnables the Caller ID feature for the outside lines to which a Caller ID Service is offered by aCentral Office by contract.Selection• Outside line (CO) number:KX-TD816 —01 through 08,KX-TD1232 — 01 through 24,( =all outside lines)• Enable / DisableDefaultAll outside lines — DisableProgramming1. Enter 406.Display: 406 CALLER ID CO2. Press NEXT.Display: CO Line NO?3. Enter an outside line number.To enter outside line number 01, you can also press NEXT.Display example: CO01:Disable4. Keep pressing SELECT until the desired selection is displayed.5. Press STORE.6. To program another outside line, press NEXT or PREV, or SELECT and the desiredoutside line number.7. Repeat steps 4 through 6.8. Press END.Conditions• For the KX-TD1232, outside lines 01 through 12 are for the Master System and outsidelines 13 through 24 are for the Slave, if available.• To assign all outside lines to one selection, press the key in step 3. In this case, the displayshows the contents programmed for outside line 01.• The following programs are used to program Caller ID feature: [110] Caller ID Code Setand [111] Caller ID Name Set.