To change the cleaning status of a roomPress Cleaned-up.Dial extension number and then press"ENTER", or press desired DSS.ORextension no.(DSS)While on-hookENTERPress "EXIT"or Cleaned-up to finish.EXITOR(Cleaned-up)(Cleaned-up)Enter Room NumberEXIT ENTERTo continue6-Line Display PT• For information about other Hospitality features, refer to "1.3.34 HOSPITALITYFEATURES".Customizing Your Phone• 3.1.4 Customizing the ButtonsCreate or edit a Check-in, Check-out, or Cleaned-up button.1.3.62 Self Labeling (KX-NT366/KX-NT553/KX-NT556/KX-NT560/KX-UT248/KX-UT670 only)The KX-NT366/KX-NT560 IP-PT and KX-UT248/KX-UT670 SIP phone have flexible buttons with an LCDscreen next to the buttons.For KX-NT366:The KX-NT366 IP-PT has 12 flexible buttons, and the telephone’s display shows which feature, telephonenumber, or extension number is assigned to each button. You can press the NEXT PAGE key to display 3other sets (pages) of 12 flexible button assignments. A different feature, telephone number, or extensionnumber can be assigned to each button in each set. This means that 48 flexible buttons are available.Page 4Page 3BankHomeSalesLCSPDNCO 6CO 5CO 4CO 3CO 2Page 1 Page 2Document Version 2014-11 Operating Manual 1411.3.62 Self Labeling (KX-NT366/KX-NT553/KX-NT556/KX-NT560/KX-UT248/KX-UT670 only)