General informationabout the backupbatteryThe backup battery can provide powerto your Home Network System devices(one device per backup battery),allowing your devices to continue tooperate in the event of a power outage.Instead of connecting an AC adaptor toyour hub, camera, etc., the backupbattery is connected to your device andis also connected to the power outlet.During normal operation, the backupbattery uses power from the poweroutlet to charge the battery and tosupply power to the connected device.In the event of a power outage, thedevice is powered by the backupbattery only.You can register the backup batteryto the hub and take advantage ofother features, but note that thebackup battery does not need to beregistered in order for it to supplypower to the connected device in theevent of a power outage.Backup battery performanceWhen the supplied battery is installedin the backup battery, you can expectthe following operating time in theevent of a power outage.Compatibledevices*1 Operating time*2Hub(KX-HNB600)1.5 hours (standby,connected to 4cameras, notconnected to aWi-Fi® network)Compatibledevices*1 Operating time*2IndoorCamera(KX-HNC200) 2.0 hours (standby)1.5 hours (standby,when night visionmode is active)OutdoorCamera(KX-HNC600)Indoor Siren(KX-HNS105)7 hours (standby)*1 At the time of printing. Additionalcompatible devices may becomeavailable at a later date.*2 All times are approximate.Power outagenotification by phoneIn the event of a power outage, thebackup battery can trigger the hub tocall a pre-programmed phone numberand notify you of the power outage. Inorder to use this feature, the followingitems are required.– The hub must be connected to yourlandline (refer to the System SetupGuide included with the hub).– The backup battery must beregistered to the hub (page 14).– You must use the [Home Network]app to program the phone numberthat will be called in the event of apower outage. For more information,refer to the User’s Guide(page 15).– The hub must be able to make callsusing your landline even if there is apower outage. If your landline phoneservice requires a modem or otherdevice to make phone calls (typicallythis is the case for landline phone8General product information