Operating Instructions1285.4 Security on the Wireless NetworkIn a wireless network, data security is maintained using the following three functions.According to your security needs, use any combination of these security options andstrengthen your security.SSID( Page 83)SSID (Service Set IDentifier) is a wireless network name.SSID setting must be same among the wireless devices.For security, specify a unique SSID that otherscannot guess for a wireless network. Avoid an obviousSSID (your name, birthday, etc.), since the communicationmay be interfered with the neighbor wireless network.Advantage:It is easy to set the SSID into each wireless device.Disadvantage:If an unauthorized user steals the SSID, he may break intowireless networks.Encryption( Page 86)This setup allows you to encrypt the data that is transmittedover your wireless network. By setting a WEP key in theKX-HGW600, you can prevent wireless network data frombeing decrypted externally. To read an encrypted file, thesame WEP key must be set into each wireless device. Thereare two types of WEP key, 40(64) bit and 128 bit versions.Advantage:The higher the bit number, the more secure the encryption.Disadvantage:The higher the bit number, the slower the communicationspeed.MAC AddressFiltering( Page 91)If the MAC address on each wireless network card has notbeen registered on the MAC Address Filtering window, thewireless devices cannot link to the KXHGW600.Advantage:Even if SSID or WEP key is stolen by an unauthorizeduser, the wireless devices with unregistered MAC addresscannot communicate with the KX-HGW600.Disadvantage:The greater the scale of wireless network is, the morevexatious the administration of MAC addresses may be.