)RUPRXQWLQJDQGUHPRYLQJWKHDPSOL¿HUUHIHUWR³ MOUNTING.”How to cascade1. 0RXQWWKHDPSOL¿HUVRQHE\RQHon the DIN rail.2. 6OLGHWKHDPSOL¿HUVQH[WWRHDFKother, and connect the quick-connection cables.3. Mount the end plates MS-DIN-E(optional) at both the ends to holdthe amplifiers between their flatsides.4. 7LJKWHQWKHVFUHZVWR¿[WKHHQGplates.+RZWR5HPRYH1. Loosen the screws of the endplates.2. Remove the end plates.3. Slide the amplifiers and removethem one by one. SlideCommunicationwindowSlideMain cable(Optional)Sub cable(Optional)End plateMS-DIN-E (Optional)End plateMS-DIN-E(Optional)5 I/O CIRCUIT DIAGRAMSLoad +-12 to 24V DC%Main circuit(Brown) +V (Note)(Black) Sensing output 1(White) Sensing output 2 / External input(Blue) 0V (Note)Main circuit(Brown) +V (Note)(Blue) 0V (Note)(Black) Sensing output 1(White) Sensing output 2 / External input+-12 to 24V DC%LoadNote: The quick-connection sub cable does not incorporate +V (brown) and 0V (blue). The power is supplied fromthe connector of the main cable.7HUPLQDODUUDQJHPHQW!2314Terminal No. Terminal name1 +V2 Sensing output 13 Sensing output 2 / External input4 0V6 OPERATION PROCEDUREƔ The sensing output can be switched to sensing output 1 or sensing output 2by holding down the mode key.Ɣ The changed settings are not stored if turning the power OFF while setting.7KHUHIRUHFRQ¿UPWKHVHWWLQJVE\SUHVVLQJWKH6(7NH\EHIRUHWXUQLQJWKHpower OFF.Ɣ When turning ON the power, RUN mode is displayed and the digital displayshows the threshold value (green) and the incident light intensity (red).• Displays threshold value (green) and incident light intensity (red).• 7HDFKLQJWKUHVKROGYDOXH¿QHDGMXVWPHQWDQGNH\ORFNIXQFWLRQcan be set.• For setting method of each function, refer to “ TEACHINGMODE,” “ THRESHOLD VALUE FINE ADJUSTMENT FUNC-TION,” or “ KEY LOCK FUNCTION.”• Select either Light-ON or Dark-ON.• For the setting, refer to “ SENSING OUTPUT OPERATIONMODE.”• The default setting is “ ” (Light-ON).• An item set in CUSTOM mode (Response time setting, Emissionpower setting and Hysteresis setting) is displayed.• For details, refer to “ CUSTOM MODE.”• The default setting is “ ” (response time setting).• Advanced setting can be done.• For the setting, refer to “ PRO MODE.”INSTRUCTION MANUAL'LJLWDO)LEHU6HQVRU$PSOL¿HU FX-502ƑMJE-FX502C No.0068-84VThank you very much for purchasing Panasonic products.Please read this Instruction Manual carefully and thoroughly for the correct andoptimum use of this product.Kindly keep this manual in a convenient place for quick reference.WARNINGƔ Never use this product as a sensing device for personnel protection.Ɣ In case of using sensing devices for personnel protection, use products whichmeet laws and standards, such as OSHA, ANSI or IEC etc., for personnelprotection applicable in each region or country.1 INTENDED PRODUCTS FOR CE MARKINGƔ This product complies with the following standards / regulations.(8'LUHFWLYH!EMC DirectiveANSI/UL 60947-5-2, CAN/CSA C22.2 No.145HJXODWLRQVLQ.RUHD!6*6:Ɣ Caution about UL recognitionIn case requiring conformity of UL listing mark or C-UL listing mark, USe class2 power supply unit.Ɣ &RQWDFWIRU&(3DQDVRQLF0DUNHWLQJ(XURSH*PE+3DQDVRQLF7HVWLQJ&HQWHU:LQVEHUJULQJ+DPEXUJ*HUPDQ\2 PART DESCRIPTIONDigital display*UHHQ5HGUP key• Teaching• Threshold value¿QHDGMXVWPHQW• Select setting itemsMODE key• Select Modes• Cancel during setting• Select sensing output 1/2by pressing longSET key• Teaching• C o n f i r m s e t t i n gcontentsDOWN key• Teaching• 7KUHVKROGYDOXH¿QHadjustment• Select setting itemsSensing output 2selection indicatorSensing output 1selection indicatorSensing output 1operation indicator(Orange)Sensing output 2operation indicator(Orange) 02'(LQGLFDWRU352 02'(LQGLFDWRU/' 02'(LQGLFDWRU&867 Pressing down SET key + MODE key for 3 sec : Set key lock or release key lock3 MOUNTINGHow to connect1. Fit the rear part of the mounting sec-WLRQRIWKHDPSOL¿HURQD',1UDLO2. Press down the rear part of themounting section of the unit on theDIN rail and fit the front part of themounting section to the DIN rail.+RZWRUHPRYH1. Push the controller forward.2. /LIWXSWKHIURQWSDUWRIWKHDPSOL¿HUto remove it.2. Lift up1. Push forward2. Press down1. Fit35mm width DIN rail+RZWRFRQQHFWWKH¿EHUFDEOH%HVXUHWR¿WWKHDWWDFKPHQWWRWKH¿EHUV¿UVWEHIRUHLQVHUWLQJWKH¿EHUVWRWKHDPSOL¿HU)RUGHWDLOVUHIHUWRWKHLQVWUXFWLRQPDQXDOHQFORVHGZLWKWKH¿EHUV1. Snap the fiber lock lever down till itstops completely.2. ,QVHUWWKH¿EHUFDEOHVVORZO\LQWRWKHinlets until they stops. (Note)3. Return the fiber lock lever to theoriginal position till it stops.Note: :LWKWKHFRD[LDOUHÀHFWLYHW\SH¿EHUVXFKDVFD-G4or FD-FM2LQVHUWWKHVLQJOHFRUH¿EHUFDEOHLQWRWKHEHDPHPLWWLQJLQOHW³3´DQGWKHPXOWLFRUH¿EHUFDEOHinto the beam-receiving inlet. If they are inserted inreverse, the sensing performance will deteriorate.Fiber lock leverFiber forreceiver1. Snap3. Return2. InsertFiber for emitter4 INSTALL MORE AMPLIFIER OF SERIES CONNECTION TYPEƔ Make sure that the power supply is OFF while adding or removing the series connection type.Ɣ In case 2 or more the series connection types are connected in cascade, makesure to mount them on a DIN rail.Ɣ WKHVHULHVFRQQHFWLRQW\SHVXVLQJVXEFDEOHVFDQEHDGGHGWRDQDPSOL¿HUusing a main connection cable.Ɣ When connecting 2 or more the series connection types in cascade, use thesub cable (optional) for the second series connection type onwards. Next |