Safety precautions(It may cause low-temperature burning.)About the low-temperatureburning: Even if thetemperature of a substanceis a little higher than that ofthe body of the humanbeings, low-temperatureburning may still occur ifthe same part of the skintouches the substancedirectly for a long time.Where safety is notguaranteed. (Causes offalling over and injury)Where temperature orhumidity is too high, orwater is present, such asa bathroom. (The unitmay leak current andelectric shock or fire mayoccur.)Places where oil contentis airborne, such as inkitchens.(Otherwise, injury may becaused due to cracks.)Where oil or inflammablegas is present and may beleaked.(Otherwise, fire orsmoke may be causeddue to ignition in the unit.)Do not directly touchthe powered-on adapter.(The unit may becomecracked and injury mayoccur, or the unit mayshort-circuit and causeelectric shock or fire.)Do not clean the unitwith solvents such asoil, alcohol, benzeneor thinner, and avoidcontact with insectsprays.(It may cause injury or error.)When carrying theunit, please avoiddropping or applyinga shock over the unit.(It may cause injury ordamage the unit.)Do not carry or movethe unit by holding thelouver.(Otherwise, injuries may becaused or the unit may bedamaged.)Do not step or sit onthe unit.(It may cause fire due toignition.)Do not get close to theinflammable substancesor the lit cigarette orincense.Do not put the unit inthe following places:CAUTION8