E n g lis hParts identificatio nGShaded areas represent heated sections. To avoid burns, do nottouch these parts when the hair straightener is turned on.© Switch© Grip@ P ress plateО Iron plate (inside of the pressplate)© S team outlet© Negative ion nozzles© LampIron plate (inside o f the mainbody)О TankО Buttons© Tank blockA Felt© Cap© PlugS w itc h Iro n plateОIro n platehN e g a tive io n s2 Heats up Heats up Released1 Heats up - ReleasedO LO C K The power turns off and the iron plate closes.Filling th e ta n k w ith w a te r __________________________1 Pull th e ta n k straig h t out in a sligh tly upwardd irec tio n, w h ile pressing buttons on both sideso f th e tank.2 O pen th e plug o f th e ta n k ands o ak th e felt part inside o f theca p (ab o ut 5-6 seconds).• The hair straightener may have difficultyreleasing steam if the felt is dry. In thiscase, thoroughly soak the felt(approxim ately 10 minutes) before use.3 Fill th e tan k w ith w ater, and then securelyattach th e plug.• Use only tap water. (Use of other types of water may dam age thehair straightener.)• Be sure not to let dirt get between the plug and tank. (D irt maycause w ater leakage.) W ipe off excess water before attachingthe tank. (Excess water may cause hot w ater droplets to begenerated.)4 A lign th e ta n k w ith th e end o f th e hairstra ig h te n e r and attach it fro m above.5 Push th e ta n k in until a click is heard.• N otes• Note that the surface of the hair straightener becomes hot ifused w ithout water.• The hair straightener can be used for approxim ately 10 minuteson a full tank of water.• Before attaching the tank to the hair straightener, be sure toshake the hair straightener 2-3 tim es with the open (tank) endfacing down to drain out any water. Hot water droplets may bedischarged if water remains in the hair straightener.4