http://cxema.ru6 BASEBAND OVERVIEW6.1 IntroductionAll Baseband circuitary is contained on one PCB. The Baseband PCB has six layers made from FR4 material. Topand bottom layers are gold-plated to prevent oxidisation and enable better soldering. The board thickness is 1.0mm(+0.0, -0.1mm).The Baseband board is connected to the RF board via a 50 way dual in line connector.A metallised plastic chassis is used to separate the Baseband and the RF PCB’s. The chassis has no holes otherthan the one for the interface connector. The continuous chassis design is important for EMC purposes. When thechassis is sandwiched between the Baseband and the RF PCB’s the ground plane of the RF board together withthe chassis forms an effective shielded enclosure, which prevents spurious emissions.6.2 Fuctional DescriptionThe G450 baseband is based around a 2 chip GSM chipset. One chip carries out signal processing with DSP andCPU, called GEMINI, and the other chip contains the analogue interface chip, called VEGA. The highly integratednature of these components means each contain a large number of functions.Figure 1: Baseband Block Diagram 450-0601MCUK971001G8 Section 6 Issue 1Technical Guide 6 - 1 Revision 0BASEBAND OVERVIEWGEMINITIMERTDMAGSMTPUDSPCORESIMI/FJTAGDSP ROMDSP RAMIRQMEMI/FSERIAL I/FI/OPWMUARTARM3V to 5VDC/DCSIMCONNECTORRAM64k x 8FLASH256k x 16LCDEEPROM2k *8 serialKEYPADBACKLIGHT VOLTAGEREGULATORVEGA TIMING JTAG10 bitDACSP INTERFACERF INTERFACEBATTERY HANDS FREEINTERFACEI TXQ TXI RXQ RXPA RAMPTCVCXO CONTROLTCVCXO TEMPAUDIO OUTAUDIO INRADIO MUTEIGNITIONEXTERNAL POWERUART INUART OUT3VPOWER KEY