Searching a CASH RecordYou can search for a CASH record in the following ways.Use the most convenient one for you.A, Moves up and down through the records.|cash[NewCASH.....t ..I..DATE: 02/25/93AMOUNT: $20.00x2MEMO: BOOKCLASS: P TAX: NA x3CATEGORY: EDUCATIONEND OF TRANSACTIONDATE: 02/26/93AMOUNT: $40.00mx3 x2MEMO: MEATCLASS: P TAX: Nx3CATEGORY: GROCERIESEND OF TRANSACTION--^1^ENTERjDATE: 02/26/93AMOUNT: SCODENext CASH record(c^-.(T]Previous CASHrecord(c3He|Previous CASHrecordCASH dataB: Next step® : Previous stepB, [ FIND ] This function allows you to jump to a desired record byspecifying Its date (see next page).62