10.6.3. CONNECTING THE PIPINGConnecting The Piping To Indoor UnitPlease make flare after inserting flare nut (locate at joint portionof tube assembly) onto the copper pipe. (In case of using longpiping)Connect the piping• Align the center of piping and sufficiently tighten the flarenut with fingers.• Further tighten the flare nut with torque wrench in specifiedtorque as stated in the table.MODEL Piping size (Torque)Gas LiquidCS-C9DK 3/8” (31.0 lbf.ft) 1/4” (13.3 lbf.ft)CS-C12DK 1/2” (40.6 lbf.ft) 1/4” (13.3 lbf.ft)Connecting The Piping To Outdoor UnitDecide piping length and then cut by using pipe cutter. Removeburrs from cut edge. Make flare after inserting the flare nut(located at valve) onto the copper pipe.Align center of piping to valves and then tighten with torquewrench to the specified torque as stated in the table.CUTTING AND FLARING THE PIPING1. Please cut using pipe cutter and then remove the burrs.2. Remove the burrs by using reamer. If burrs is notremoved, gas leakage may be caused.Turn the piping end down to avoid the metal powderentering the pipe.3. Please make flare after inserting the flare nut onto thecopper pipes.41CS-C9DKU CU-C9DKU / CS-C12DKU CU-C12DKU