ORDER NO. IED84113035C2Service ManualMSX Personal ComputerCF-2700SpecificationsMicroprocessor . Z-80AMemory . ROM 32 K bytes (MSX-BASIC)Main RAM 64K.bytesVideo RAM 16K bytesVideo systemController .Number of displayable charactersNumber of displayable dots .Output signals .Sound systemController .Functions .Keyboard .Cassette tape interfaceSystem .Transfer rate .I/O portsSlot .Printer port .General port .Sound output ..Dimensions and Weight (Main unit)Power requirementsVoltage .Power consumption .TMS 9929A32 characters x 24 lines8 (H) x 8 (W) dots/character mode40 characters x 24 lines8 (H) x 6 (W) dots/character mode256 (H) x 192 (V) dotsVideo output, RF outputAY-3-8910A8 octave, 3 chord output73 keysFSK1200/2400 baud2 (comforms to MSX specifications)1, 14-pin2, 9-pin each1436 (W) x 245 (D) x 90 (H) mmapprox. 3.6 kg220 V, 50 Hz(Only for UK 240 V, 50 Hz)28 WDesign and Specifications are subject to change without notice.Panasonic Matsushita Electric Trading Co., Ltd.P.O. Box 288, Central Osaka Japan