62REMOTE Specifications (continued) Connectors and signalsConnector: D-SUB 9-pin (female)SignalPinnumber Signal Description1 N.C. Not connected2 TXD Transmission data3 RXD Reception data4 DSR Connected inside5 GND Ground6 DTR Connected inside7 CTS Connected inside8 RTS Connected inside9 N.C. Not connected Communication parametersSignal level RS-232C compliantSynchronous system Asynchronous systemTransfer rate 9,600 bpsParity NoneData length 8 bitStop bit 1 bitFlow control None Command formatSTX (02h) Command : Data ETX (03h)• The command is the 3-character string starting with STX andending with ETX.• Append any data after the colon (:) following the command, asrequired. Response formats1. Setting command responseSTX (02h) Command ETX (03h)2. Query command responseSTX (02h) Data ETX (03h)3. Error responseSTX (02h) Error codes ETX (03h)Error codesER001: Invalid commandER002: Parameter errorRS-232C input terminal(9 pins)External Device Side (Straight) Device sidePinnumber Signal Pinnumber Signal1 N.C. 1 N.C.2 RXD 2 TXD3 TXD 3 RXD4 DTR 4 DSR5 GND 5 GND6 DSR 6 DTR7 RTS 7 CTS8 CTS 8 RTS9 N.C. 9 N.C.RS-232C input terminalExternal operations can be performed via the RS-232C interface.For details on the pin arrangement and RS-232C input terminal connections, refer to the diagram below and the table below right.For details on specific systems using RS-232C input terminals, contact your supplier.