9Parts and their functionsKDTL +CLP: Knee detail edge overshoot clipThis is used to limit the length of theovershoot parts of the knee detail edgecomponents.KDTL –CLP: Knee detail edge undershoot clipThis is used to limit the length of theundershoot parts of the knee detail edgecomponents.KDTL +KNE: Knee detail edge overshoot kneeThis function applies the knee to the kneedetail edge overshoot parts.KDTL –KNE: Knee detail edge undershoot kneeThis function applies the knee to the kneedetail edge undershoot parts.HD skin tone detail switch [HD.SKIN]This is used to apply coring to the detail enhancement ofthe skin tone areas in the HDTV video signals to softenthe skin tone detail enhancement.It cannot be selected when the lamp of the HD detail OFFswitch is lighted.SKIN ZEB: Skin tone area zebraThis is used to set whether to apply thezebra pattern to the areas where coring isapplied as the skin tones to the Y signals inthe PM output.PHASE: Skin tone area phaseThis is used to move the areas to berecognized as the skin tones in the range of153 to 93 along the Q axis on the colorvector display.WIDTH: Skin tone area widthThis is used to widen the areas to berecognized as the skin tones in the range of1 to 20 along the I axis on the color vectordisplay.CRISP: Skin tone detail crispThis is used to remove the very faint noisecomponents from the skin tone detailcomponents.SKIN LVL: Skin detail levelThis is used to set the chroma saturation ofthe parts where the skin tone detail is applied.SDTV detail control switch [SD.DTL CONTROL]This switch is selected to change the amount by whichthe picture quality in the detailed parts of the SDTV videooutput has been enhanced (by which the relativehardness/softness has been adjusted). When it isselected, its lamp lights, but it cannot be selected whenthe lamp of the SD detail OFF switch is lighted.Since the SDTV video output is created from the HDTVvideo output, the adjustments made by the SD detailcontrols are not reflected in the HDTV video output.The SD detail control adjustments are independent of theHD detail control adjustments.VDTL: Vertical detail levelThis is used to adjust the amount ofvertical detail.HDTL: Horizontal detail levelThis is used to adjust the amount ofhorizontal detail.HD detail control switch [HD.DTL CONTROL]This switch is selected to change the amount by whichthe picture quality in the detailed parts of the HDTV videooutput has been enhanced (by which the relativehardness/softness has been adjusted). When it isselected, its lamp lights, but it cannot be selected whenthe lamp of the HD detail OFF switch is lighted.Since the SDTV video output is created from the HDTVvideo output, the adjustments made by the HD detailcontrols are reflected in the SDTV video output.VDTL: Vertical detail levelThis is used to adjust the amount ofvertical detail.HDTL: Horizontal detail levelThis is used to adjust the amount ofhorizontal detail.CRSP: CrispThis is used to set the maximum amplitudeof the very faint noise components whichare removed from the detail components.PEAK: Peak frequencyThis is used to select the contourcorrection frequency band (boostfrequency or peak frequency).LEVEL DEP: Level dependentThis is used to remove the detail in thedark parts by means of a coefficientdependent upon the video signal level sothat the dark parts will not appearunnatural.DARK: Dark detailThis function boosts the detail in the darkparts.CORNER: Corner detailThis function boosts the detail around theedges of the screen.SOURCE: Detail sourceThis is used to select the source signals forcreating the detail components.+CLP: Detail edge overshoot clipThis is used to limit the length of theovershoot parts of the detail edgecomponents.–CLP: Detail edge undershoot clipThis is used to limit the length of theundershoot parts of the detail edgecomponents.DTL +KNEE: Detail edge overshoot kneeThis function applies the knee to the detailedge overshoot parts.DTL –KNEE: Detail edge undershoot kneeThis function applies the knee to the detailedge undershoot parts.KDTL: Knee detailThis is used to boost detail components ofthe parts where the knee has been applied.KDTL CRSP: Knee detail crispThis is used to remove the very faint noisecomponents below the level set from theknee detail components.KDTL FREQ: Knee detail boost frequencyThis is used to select the knee detail boostfrequency.