22 CONNECT SETTINGヤヰワワユヤヵチヴユヵヵリワヨ ヒチバチヒヒヤヰワワユヤヵチヮヰュユドㄑㄖㄔㄉナヤヰワワユヤヵチヮヰュユドㄑㄖㄔㄉナヤヰワワユヤヵチヮヰュユドㄑㄖㄔㄉナワヰワワヰワヤモヮベ ヤモヮペヴㄆㄓㄊㄍ ワヰワロモワワヰワ ワヰワワヰワヤモヮフワヰワヤモヮヘヤモヮビ ヤモヮピヤモヮヒヤモヮブ ヤモヮプヤヰワワユヤヵチヴユヵヵリワヨ ビチバチヒヒヤヰワワユヤヵチヮヰュユドㄑㄖㄔㄉナヤヰワワユヤヵチヮヰュユドㄑㄖㄔㄉナヤヰワワユヤヵチヮヰュユドㄑㄖㄔㄉナヤヰワワユヤヵチヴユヵヵリワヨ ヒヒチバチヒヒヤヰワワユヤヵチヮヰュユドㄑㄖㄔㄉナヤヰワワユヤヵチヮヰュユドㄑㄖㄔㄉナヤヰワワユヤヵチヮヰュユドㄑㄖㄔㄉナワヰワワヰワヤモヮヒヘ ヤモヮヒベワヰワ ワヰワワヰワワヰワ ワヰワワヰワヤモヮヒピワヰワヤモヮヒプヤモヮヒヒ ヤモヮヒビヤモヮヒパヤモヮヒフ ヤモヮヒブワヰワワヰワヤモヮペベ ヤモヮペペワヰワ ワヰワワヰワワヰワ ワヰワワヰワヤモヮペフワヰワヤモヮペヘヤモヮペビ ヤモヮペピヤモヮペヒヤモヮペブ ヤモヮペプItem Setting detailsCONNECT MODE CAM1 Sets the connection method for camera 1.Changes to settings are applied by pressing the [MENU] dial.Serial, LAN: Select this when connecting to the AK-UC3000 series or AK-HC5000 series.Serial(AK), LAN(AK): Select this when connecting to the AK-HC3500A series or AK-HC3800 series.Serial(AW), LAN(AW): Select these when connecting the AK-UB300G series.[Serial], [Serial(AK)], and [Serial(AW)] cannot be set for multiple cameras.CONNECT MODE CAM2 toCAM99Sets the connection method for cameras 2 to 99.Changes to settings are applied by pressing the [MENU] dial.Serial, LAN: Select this when connecting to the AK-UC3000 series or AK-HC5000 series.Serial(AK), LAN(AK): Select this when connecting to the AK-HC3500A series or AK-HC3800 series.Serial(AW), LAN(AW): Select these when connecting the AK-UB300G series.[Serial], [Serial(AK)], and [Serial(AW)] cannot be set for multiple cameras.NOTEAn AK-UB300G with a system version of 07.0A-000-00.00 or later can be connected.[Serial(AW)] can be selected if this unit has a system version of 4.50-00-0.00 or later.- 40 -ROP Menu (when AK-UB300G is connected)