Replace the two ROMs (IC2 and IC702) from the VTR units F2 board with the ROMs provided with theboard.Refer to the figure of the circuit board below to ensure that the ROMs are installed in the correctdirection.Replace the ROM (IC235) from the VTR unit's F1 board with the ROM provided with the board.Refer to the figure of the circuit board below to ensure that the ROM is installed in the correct direction.Remove the 4 screws shown in the diagram atright and the right metal fitting grip of theQuick Cutter unit, then remove the F1 and F2boards of the VTR unit.Return the F1 and F2 boards removed in step 16 to their original positions, and use the four screws tosecure the right metal fitting grip which was removed in step 16 to the Quick Cutter unit. Secure the sidepanels and the top panel using the screws by performing steps 2 and 3 in their reverse order.-6-InstallationAccessory ROMVSI3387VSI3390ReferenceIC235IC235NTSCPALScrews (x4)F1 boardF2 boardIC702 IC2IC235Align pin 1, and insert the ROMswhile ensuring that their pins arenot bent in the process.Align pin 1, and insert the ROMwhile ensuring that its pins arenot bent in the process.ReferenceIC2IC702IC2IC702Accessory ROMVSI3385VSI3386VSI3388VSI3389NTSCPAL