40400 STILL TIMER 0000000100020003000400050006000700080.5S5S10S20S30S40S50S1min2minFor setting the time to be taken before the unit is set in the tape protection modewhen it is left standing in the STOP or STILL status.(Units: S = seconds, min = minutes)When a DV or DVCAM tape is used, any setting above 2 (10S) will result in asetting time of 10 seconds.401 SRC PROTECT00000001STEPHALFFor setting the operation to be performed in the tape protection mode when the unitis left standing in the STILL status.0: STEP FWD1: Standby OFF (half loading)If STEP FWD is selected, the unit is automatically transferred to the standby OFF(half loading) mode when the unit is left standing in the STILL mode for a total of 30minutes (or 1 minute for DV or DVCAM tape).403 STOP PROTECT00000001STEPHALFFor setting the operation to be performed in the tape protection mode when the unitis left standing in the STOP status.0: STEP FWD1: Standby OFF (half loading)When STEP FWD is selected, the unit is automatically transferred to the standbyOFF (half loading) mode when the unit is left standing in the STOP mode for a totalof 30 minutes (or 1 minute for DV or DVCAM tape).402 DRUM STDBY00000001OFFONFor setting the cylinder operation in the standby OFF (half loading) mode.0: The cylinder stops rotating.1: The cylinder continues to rotate.TAPE PROTECTItem SettingNo. Superimposeddisplay No. SuperimposeddisplayDescription of settings“ ” indicates the factory setting.Setup menus202 ID SEL000000010002OTHERDVCPROORIGFor setting the ID information to be returned to the controller.0: The ID information of the VTR other than DVCPRO is set.1: The DVCPRO ID information is set.2: Set this only when the unit is connected to a Panasonic controller (such as theAJ-A900, optional accessory).Select 1 (DVCPRO) or 2 (ORIG) if “23/24,” “25(HD)” or “25(SD)” is selected as themenu item No.25 [SYSTEM FREQ] setting.INTERFACEItem SettingNo. Superimposeddisplay No. SuperimposeddisplayDescription of settings