IV–76L15 Defective Pairing of Indoor Unitsc Error detection method1) In the case of double-duct modelsDetects defective combinations (type, capacity, group and unit count settings) in double-duct units.d Troubleshooting1) In the case of double-duct modelsNo. Problem Recovery1 Another indoor unit is connected to the system towhich a double-duct unit is connected. Connect only one indoor unit to the system*1.2 Another indoor unit is group-connected to the remotecontroller group in the double-duct unit.Disconnect the other indoor unit from the group andreset the group settings (item code 14 in the remotecontroller’s advanced settings)*2 .3A defective setting exists in the remote control groupsettings between the two built-in indoor units’ controlboards.Set one of the two boards to “1” (main) and the otherto “2” (sub) in the group settings (item code 14 in theremote controller’s advanced settings).3 The type or capacity settings differ between the twobuilt-in indoor units’ control boards.Set the type and capacity parameters to the samesetting for both indoor unit’s control boards with theremote controller’s advanced settings.4The remote control group wiring is severed or short-circuited between the two built-in indoor units’ controlboards.Repair the wiring.5 One of the two built-in indoor units’ control boards ismalfunctioning.If there is no problem with the power supply, etc.,replace the board.*1 It is necessary for only one indoor unit to be connected to the outdoor unit to which a double-duct model isconnected.*2 A group has been established between the two indoor boards in the indoor unit, so groups cannot be set forother indoor units.