Panamax M8-HT-PRO Instructions For Use Manual
Also see for M8-HT-PRO: Instruction manual
M8-HT-PRO INSTRUCTIONS - English M8-HT-PRO INSTRUCCIONES - EspañolPOWER ONPROTECTION OKGROUND OKUNSAFE VOLTAGEDC TRIGGERPOWERVOLTAGE TRIGGERPOWER ONPROTECTION OKGROUND OKUNSAFE VOLTAGEDC TRIGGERPOWER ONPROTECTION OKGROUND OKUNSAFE VOLTAGEDC TRIGGERGROUND OKUNSAFE VOLTAGEDC TRIGGERPOWERVOLTAGE TRIGGERInstalación (CA):1. Apague todo el equipo que va a serconectado a la unidad.2. Asegúrese que el protector esté apagadoy que esté en la posición OFF (vea el dibu-jo). Enchufe la unidad al enchufe en lapared y encienda.3. Unsafe Voltage (voltaje peligroso) –(rojo) normalmente OFF; cuando está encen-dida, es una luz intermitente que indica queel voltaje es inseguro y que el protector hadesconectado su equipo conectado.4. DC Trigger (disparador de corrientecontinuo) – (verde) el status ON/OFFdepende de si una señal 12VDC está siendorecibida de otro componente.ON = La señal de voltaje de corriente contin-ua (DC) está siendo recibida y los enchufesde alta corriente están encendidos;OFF = No hay señal de un componente y losenchufes de alta corriente están apagados.El M8-HT-PRO ha sido diseñada, teniendo enmente, flexibilidad y expansión. Esto modeloacepta módulos de protección de línea deseñal adicionales en el evento que su insta-lación tenga más líneas de señales que nece-siten protección con una de la unidadesnombradas. Más información está a su dis-posición en nuestro sitio web ( o de nuestro departamento decuidado del cliente (800-472-5555; 7:30 am-4:30 PM tiempo pacífico).Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre cual protectores el mejor para su equipo, favor de ir a nue-stro sitio web ( o pón-gase en contacto con nuestro departamentode cuidado del cliente.Conectando su protector contrasobrecargas de tensión correcta-mentePara proteger su equipo completamente desobrecargas, cada alambre que sale o entradel equipo que usted quiere proteger debeser conectado al protector de sobrecargas detensión indicado. Relámpagos dañinos ysobrecargas de tensión pueden entrar a susistema por cualquier línea de señal (líneatelefónica, alambres de tierra, cables coaxi-ales, cables modem, cables red de área local(LAN), etc.) o corriente alterna que esténconectados a su equipo electrónico.Puntos importantes de seguridadLos protectores contra sobrecargas de ten-sión y el equipo conectado deben estaradentro en un local seco y en el mismo edi-ficio. Aunque su protector Panamax esduradero, sus componentes internos noestán aislados del ambiente. No instaleningún producto de Panamax cerca deaparatos que emitan calor tal como un radi-ador o contador térmico. No instale esteproducto donde haya humedad excessiva talcomo una tina, fregadero, piscina, en el pisode un sótano, pescera, etc.Es común que un edificio no esté correcta-mente conectado a tierra. Para proteger suequipo, los productos de Panamax deberánser directamente enchufados a un tomacor-riente CA de 3-alambres con conexión atierra. Adicionalmente, el alambrado deledificio y conexión a tierra deberán confor-marse a los códigos NEC (EEUU) o CEC(Canada) para que la póliza de protecciónde Panamax sea válida.No use adaptadores de 2-cuchillas ocualquier otro “cintas de energía” con esteproducto. Sólo use cables de extensión dePanamax si requiere un cable más largo.M8-HT-PRO – Provee protección CA(sobrecargas, subtensión y sobretensión),protección coaxial (CATV, antena fuera deaire o cable para modem) y protección delínea de teléfono para aparatos electróni-cos. Además tiene un disparador deentrada y dos bancos de (4 enchufes deCA cada uno) de circuitos de filtración deruido. El primero, es un circuito de fil-tración capacitativa, es para componentesde alta corriente tales como amplificadoresy subwoofers. El otro es un filtro equili-brador doble L para equipo con fuentesA/V o aparatos de visualización.Ésto modelo tiene 8 enchufes CA que soncontroladas por la combinación cortacir-cuito/conmutador de electricidad. Los 4enchufes de alta corriente también puedenser controlados por una señal 12VDC deotro componente. Este circuito continua-mente monitorea la electricidad y protegecontra daño causado por la reducción detensión de línea y sobretensión continua.Automáticamente desconecta la electricidada su equipo conectado cuando cualquierade estas condiciones es detectada, yentonces lo reconecta cuando la electricidadha regresado a un nivel prudente.Esto modelo tiene 4 díodos emisores de luz(LED) para seguridad máxima. Están nom-brados como sigue:1. Power ON, Protection OK – (verde)normalmente ON; indica que el protectorestá funcionando correctamente y que todoel equipo conectado está protegido.2. Ground OK (tierra OK)– (verde) nor-malmente ON; indica que el tomacorriente dela pared está correctamente alambrado ypuesto a tierra.3. Verifique que el LED verde “Ground OK”esté prendido, esto indica que el enchufe enla pared está correctamente alambrado ypuesto a tierra.4. Enchufe el equipo que va a proteger a launidad Panamax y uno por uno, enciendacada una de las piezas de equipo conecta-do y vea si están operando correctamente.a. Equipo Audio/Video tales como recep-tores, lectores DVD, Televisores, etc, debenser enchufados a los tomacorrientes enu-merados 1-4. Este banco de tomacorri-entes provee electricidad de un circuito defiltración “equilibrador doble L” para que elruido de interferencia electromágnetica/interferencia radioeléctrica (EMI/RFI) nointerfiera con su equipo de visualisación/fuente.b. Equipo de alta corriente tales comoamplificadores y altavoces deben ser ench-ufados en los tomacorrientes ennumerados5-8. El banco de circuitos de filtros capac-itativos (sin inductores) limpian la corrientesin limitar el consumo de corriente a susamplificadores.LED IndicatorsDC Trigger LEDUnsafe Voltage LEDGround OK LEDPower ON/Protection OK LEDPhone JacksIncludes Phone Cable (4 ft.)and Cat 5 Cable (4 ft.)ON/OFF Power Switch andCircuit Breaker Combo8 ft. AC Power CordRight Angle with45 Degree Offset Plug8 AC OutletsOutlets 1-4 feature“Balanced Double L”Filtration CircuitOutlets 5-8 for highcurrent equipmentTop and BottomMounting Brackets(Screws and SpacerEyelets included)Telco and LAN Connector RJ-45Una nota para instaladores de ante-nas de televisión, satélite, y cable:Artículos 810.21 y 820.40 del código NECprovee guías especifícas a como conectar atierra correctamente, y en particular, especi-fica quel cable de tierra será conectado alsistema de tierra del edificio, lo más cer-cano a la entrada del cable que sea posible.POWER ONPROTECTION OKGROUND OKUNSAFE VOLTAGEDC TRIGGERPOWERVOLTAGE TRIGGERDC TriggerFor high currentoutlets (5-8)La garantía de $5,000,000 de protección deequipo conectado de Panamax es nula sicualquier alambre entrando o saliendo delequipo no está correctamente conectado alprotector(es) contra sobrecargas de tensiónindicado. El protector contra sobrecargas detensión también debe ser enchufado a untomacorriente alambrado correctamente ypuesto a tierra. Favor de leer la garantía paradetalles o si tiene preguntas llame al depar-tamento de atención del cliente de Panamax.POWER ONPROTECTION OKGROUND OKUNSAFE VOLTAGEDC TRIGGERPOWERVOLTAGE TRIGGERPOWER ONPROTECTION OKGROUND OKUNSAFE VOLTAGEDC TRIGGERPOWER ONPROTECTION OKGROUND OKUNSAFE VOLTAGEDC TRIGGERGROUND OKUNSAFE VOLTAGEDC TRIGGERPOWERVOLTAGE TRIGGERINSTALLATION (AC Power):1. Turn OFF the power to all equipmentthat will be plugged into the unit.2. Make sure that the ON/OFF switch is inthe OFF position (see figure). Plug the unitinto the wall outlet and then turn it ON.3. UNSAFE VOLTAGE –(red) normallyOFF; flashes when lit, indicates thatincoming voltages are unsafe and thesurge protector has disconnected thepower to your connected equipment.4. DC Trigger –(green) ON/OFF statusdepends upon whether or not a 12VDCsignal is being received from anothercomponent when utilizing.ON = DC voltage signal is being receivedand high-current outlets are ON;OFF = No signal from source componentand power to high-current outlets is OFF.The M8-HT-Pro has been designed withflexibility and expansion in mind. It willaccept add-on signal-line protection mod-ules in the event that your installation hasmore signal-lines than can be protectedwith one unit. More information is avail-able on our website ( from our Customer Support Department(800-472-5555; 7:30AM – 4:30PM PST).If you have any questions about which pro-tector is best for your application, pleasecheck our website ( orcontact Panamax Customer Support.PROPERLY CONNECTING YOURSURGE PROTECTORTo completely protect your equipment fromsurges, every wire leading into or out ofthe equipment you want to protect must beconnected to the appropriate Panamaxsurge protector. Damaging lightning andpower surges can enter your systemthrough any AC power or signal-line(phone line, grounding wires, coax cables,modem cables, LAN cables, etc.) connect-ed to your electronic equipment.IMPORTANT SAFETY POINTSPanamax surge protectors and the con-nected equipment must be indoors, in adry location and in the same building.Although your Panamax protector is verydurable, its internal components are notisolated from the environment. Do notinstall any Panamax product near heatemitting appliances such as a radiator orheat register. Do not install this productwhere excessive moisture is present; forexample near a bathtub, sink, pool, base-ment floor, fish tank, etc.It is not uncommon for a building to beimproperly grounded. In order to protectyour equipment, Panamax products mustbe plugged into a properly wired andgrounded 3-wire outlet. Additionally,building wiring and grounding must con-form to applicable NEC (USA) or CEC(Canada) codes for the Panamax protec-tion policy to be valid.Do not use 2-blade adapters or any other“power strips” with this product. Use onlyPanamax extension cords if a longer cordis required.M8-HT-PRO – Provides AC power(surge, under-voltage and over-voltage)protection, coaxial (CATV, off-air antenna,SAT or cable modem) protection and tele-phone/LAN line protection for electronicdevices. In addition, it features a 12VDCinput trigger and two banks (4 AC outletseach) of noise filtration circuitry. One, acapacitive filter circuit, is for high-currentdraw components like powered sub-woofers or amplifiers. The other is a bal-anced double L filter for A/V sourceequipment or display devices.This model features Panamax's patent-pending Automatic Voltage Monitoring(AVM) circuitry for over and under voltageprotection. This circuitry continuouslymonitors the power and protects againstdamage caused by brownouts (under-voltages) and sustained over-voltages. Itautomatically disconnects the power toyour connected equipment when either ofthese conditions are detected, then re-connects it when the power returns to asafe level.The M8-HT-PRO's coaxial protection cir-cuits achieve optimum signal quality fromour new coaxial protectors that have thesmallest signal loss on the market - lessthan 0.5dB of attenuation from 5MHz to 2GHz. Our upgraded coaxial protection hasbeen specifically designed to virtually elim-inate signal loss. The clamping level of 75Vwill meet the demands of both cable andsatellite voltage while minimizing exposureto damaging spikes and surges.This model has 4 diagnostic LEDs for max-imum safety. They are designated as fol-lows:1. POWER ON, PROTECTION OK –(green) normally ON; indicates that thesurge protector is functioning properly andthat all connected equipment is protected.2. GROUND OK –(green) normally ON;indicates that the wall outlet is properlywired and grounded.3. Verify that the green “Ground OK” LEDis lit, indicating that the wall outlet is prop-erly wired and grounded.4. Plug the equipment to be protected intothe Panamax unit and one at a time, turneach piece of connected equipment ON andcheck for correct operation.a. Audio/Video equipment like receivers,DVD players, TVs, etc. should be pluggedinto the outlets numbered 1-4. This bankof outlets provides power from a“Balanced Double L” filtration circuit sothat EMI/RFI noise is prevented fromreaching your source/display equipment.b. High-current equipment like amplifiersand powered subwoofers should beplugged into the outlets numbered 5-8.This bank’s capacitive (inductor-less) filtercircuit cleans the power without limitingcurrent flow to your amplifiers.LED IndicatorsDC Trigger LEDUnsafe Voltage LEDGround OK LEDPower ON/Protection OK LEDPhone JacksCoax ConnectorsIncludes Phone Cable (4 ft.)and Cat 5 Cable (4 ft.)ON/OFF Power Switch andCircuit Breaker Combo8 ft. AC Power CordRight Angle with45 Degree Offset Plug8 AC OutletsOutlets 1-4 feature“Balanced Double L”Filtration CircuitOutlets 5-8 for highcurrent equipmentTop and BottomMounting Brackets(Screws and SpacerEyelets included)3 sets of IN /OUT, bidirectional,universal coax connectors3 RG-6 Coax CablesCoax Connectors3 sets of IN /OUT, bidirectional,universal coax connectors3 RG-6 Coax CablesTelco and LAN Connector RJ-45NOTE to TV ANTENNA, SATELLITEDISH and CATV INSTALLERS:Articles 810.21 and 820.40 of the NECprovide specific guidelines for propergrounding, and in particular, specify thatthe cable ground shall be connected tothe grounding system of the building, asclose to the point of cable entry as prac-tical.POWER ONPROTECTION OKGROUND OKUNSAFE VOLTAGEDC TRIGGERPOWERVOLTAGE TRIGGERDC TriggerFor high currentoutlets (5-8)The Panamax $5,000,000 ConnectedEquipment Protection Policy is void if anywire leading into or out of the equipmentis not properly connected to the appropri-ate Panamax surge protector(s). Thesurge protector must also be plugged intoa properly wired and grounded outlet.Please see the warranty for details or con-tact the Panamax Customer SupportDepartment with questions.5. Turn OFF the unit and all connectedequipment before connecting any signal-lines or installing any add-on signal linemodules.UNSDC TRIGGERPOWERVOLTAGE TRIGGERINSTALLATION (Telephone or LANLines):IMPORTANT: Note the position of theLINE and EQUIP jacks on the Panamaxunit. LINE is for the line connection thatcomes from the wall or floor jack. EQUIPis for the line connection to your connect-ed equipment. The protection circuit willonly function if connected properly.Reversed connections will pass the signalto the connected equipment but will alsoprevent the protection circuitry fromworking and will invalidate the PanamaxConnected Equipment Protection Policy.1. Make sure the Panamax protector andall connected equipment is turned OFF.2. Take the incoming telephone or LANline and plug it into the appropriate LINEjack on the protector. The line should nowbe connected between the wall and thePanamax unit.3. Plug a telephone or LAN line into theEQUIP jack and then plug the other endinto the equipment to be protected.4. Turn ON the protector and the connect-ed equipment. Verify that each piece ofconnected equipment is receiving powerand signal.The M8-HT-PRO provides telephone andLAN protection on one set of RJ-45 (RJ-11compatible) jacks. The telephone circuituses pins 4 & 5 while the LAN circuit usespins 1, 2, 3 & 6. Adaptors or customcables (not included) must be used whenutilizing both protection circuits at thesame time.small rectangular bracket with a groundinginterface. This bracket replaces the smalltriangular wall-mount bracket that comeswith the AC base unit and is needed onlywhen add-on modules are being installed.More information can be obtained on thePanamax website or by calling ourCustomer Support Department.ADDING SIGNAL-LINE MODULES(Optional):Some connected equipment may havemore signal-lines than can be protected bythe base unit alone. Panamax offers a lineof add-on signal-line modules (sold sepa-rately) for these situations. Each moduleincludes installation instructions and aWALL MOUNTING (optional):The small triangular bracket with one"key-hole" is for the top end of the unit.This bracket mounts directly to the backof the unit with the #8-32 x 5/16”machine screws, then to the wall with oneof the #6-20 x 3/4” pan-head screws andspacer eyelets (drywall anchors optional).The large rectangular bracket with two"key-holes" is for the bottom, line-cordend of the unit. It mounts directly to theunit with the thread-forming screws, thento the wall with the other two #6 pan-headscrews and spacer eyelets (drywallanchors optional).Mounting procedure:1. Mount both brackets to the unit withthe appropriate screws.2. Determine the mounting location onthe wall and mark the position for the topmounting screw.3. Place a spacer eyelet on one of the #6pan-head screws with the flared end of theeyelet toward the wall. Drive the screw intothe wall (use the included drywall anchorsfor hollow walls) at the marked location,leaving the eyelet exposed.4. Position the key-hole on the unit's topmounting bracket over the eyelet/screwand slide the unit down to lock the screw-head into the bracket.5. Mark the location for the two lowermounting screws (in the narrow portion ofthe key-holes) and drive the screws intothe wall using the other 2 spacer eyeletslike in step #3. The included drywallanchors should be used for mounting onhollow walls.6. Position the protector over the 3 eye-lets/screws and slide the unit down to lockit into place.7. Using the above procedure allows easyremoval of the unit by sliding the unit up todisengage the brackets from theeyelets/screws.INSTALLATION (Coaxial Lines):TROUBLESHOOTING–If you are having problems with your surgeprotector, read this section.The “Power On/Protection OK” LEDis not lit, there is no AC power to myequipment, or my equipment does-n’t turn on.• Make sure that the protector is pluggedinto a working AC outlet.• Check all AC power connections.• Make sure that the protector and con-nected equipment are turned on.• If using the DC Trigger input, verify thatthe source equipment is providing theproper DC voltage signal.• Verify that the “Unsafe Voltage” LED isnot lit. If it is on, the incoming line voltageis either too high or too low and has beendisconnected from your connected equip-ment.• Check to see if the circuit breaker on thesurge protector (combination powerswitch/circuit breaker) needs to be reset(press “ON” to reset).• If you still have no power, the protectormay be damaged. Contact Panamax (web-site or Customer Support Department) forreplacement.There is no audio or video for my TV,stereo or VCR.• Check the coaxial connections, makingsure they are correctly and securelyinstalled.• Bypass the coaxial connectors. If yourpicture returns, the protector is damaged.Contact Panamax (website or CustomerSupport Department) for replacement.• If you still have no picture, a problemwith your cable provider’s signal may exist.My fax machine, modem or tele-phone has AC power but still doesnot work.• Check to see if your connected equip-ment is receiving a dial tone.• If not, bypass the surge protector’s phonejacks to see if the protector is damaged.• If your dial tone returns, the protector isdamaged. Contact Panamax (website orCustomer Support Department) forreplacement.• If you still have no dial tone, a problemwith the phone company’s lines may exist.The Panamax circuit breaker dis-connects AC power from the con-nected equipment.• You have exceeded the ampere rating foryour surge protector. As a temporary fix,disconnect one or more pieces of equip-ment. Ask your Panamax dealer aboutadditional Panamax protectors that may berequired.1. Make sure the Panamax protector andall connected equipment is turned OFF.2. Connect the coaxial cable from theCATV system, antenna or Satellite dish tothe appropriate LINE connector on thePanamax protector.3. Connect a coaxial cable from theEQUIP jack on the protector to appropriateinput jack on your TV, VCR, Satellitereceiver or cable modem.4. Repeat steps 2 & 3 for all additionalcoaxial lines.Coaxial connectors are bi-directional. Youmay install your equipment into eitherjack. When used with diplexers, this pro-tection circuit must be placed between thediplexer and the Satellite receiver; it willnot protect the diplexer.LINE (in)EQUIP (out)SAT/CATV (in)EQUIP (out)SAT/CATV (in)EQUIP (out)SAT/CATV (in)EQUIP (out)800-472-5555www.panamax.comINS00825 REV. A 2/07RJ-451 2 3 4 5 6 7 8LAN TELINSTALLATION & OPERATION OF DCTRIGGER (optional):The DC Trigger input uses a standard3.5mm (1/8”) mono jack. The circuitry isbidirectional regarding signal polarity so itdoesn’t matter whether the center-pin ofthe plug is positive or negative. Connect astandard 2-wire cable with a 3.5mm mini-plug from your source component’s DCTrigger output (or appropriate AC Adapterplugged into a switched outlet on yourreceiver) to this jack. The 4 high-currentoutlets turn ON when a DC voltage signalis received from your source component.Power to these 4 outlets is turned OFFwhen a DC voltage signal is not beingreceived.Please note: Power to the high-currentoutlets will be controlled by the combina-tion power switch/circuit breaker if noth-ing is plugged into the DC Trigger jack.123 321 |
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