2 – General introduction 3Chapter 2 │General IntroductionPurpose of the MX 32 controllerThis controller is intended for the continuous measurement and control of thegases present in the atmosphere.MX 32 8 relay output modules and 44-20mA output modulesFigure 1: MX 32 and examples of the modulesThe system primarily comprises:■ a MX 32 (1 or 2 lines),■ different modules (analog or digital detectors, logic inputs, analog inputs,relay outputs, and analog outputs).The MX 32 instantly handles the measurements of detectors and inputmodules. As soon as the measurements reach the configured thresholds, theinternal buzzer and the LED indicators go off. At the same time, thecorresponding relays are activated to drive the additional actions programmedby the user.The MX 32 controller is programmed by using the COM 32 configurationsoftware.Figure 2 presents a configuration example.