BW SERIES COMPACT BENCH SCALE EN-53. OVERVIEW OF CONTROLS AND FUNCTIONS• Turns the scale on• Long-press turns the scale off• Short-presses dsplay successve unts of measure• In SETUP Mode, “Yes” accepts/confrms the dsplayed settng• In CHECK Mode, accepts/confrms the dsplayed value• Inputs the weght of the object on the weghng pan as a Tare value• In SETUP Mode, “No” toggles through the avalable settngs• In CHECK Mode, ncrements the value of the selected dgt• Zeros the dsplay• Wth the scale off, long-press together wth ON/UNITSOFF enters User Setup Mode• In SETUP Mode, “Ext” ends setup and exts to “Save”• In CHECK Mode, ends Over/Under setup and exts to weghng mode• Intates CHECK Over/Under setup• In SETUP Mode, “Back” reverts to the prevous parameter• In CHECK Mode, shfts to the next dgt• LED annuncator ndcates Center of Zero• LED annuncator ndcates battery s fully charged (blnkng f chargng)UNDER • LED annuncator ndcates dsplayed weght s less than the preset Under valueOVER • LED annuncator ndcates dsplayed weght s more than the preset Over value• LED annuncator blnks to ndcate the battery voltage s lowNET • LED annuncator ndcates Net (Gross mnus Tare) valueg, oz, lb • LED annuncator ndcates the actve weghng untUNDER OVER NET CHECKZERO 90TAREYesExitBackNoozglbCAPACITY: 3 lb x 0.001 lbON/UNITSOFF