8 EN2 IntroductionWhat is Bluetooth technol-ogyBluetooth® is a wireless technol-ogy that enables wireless datacommunication over a shortrange between digital devices.In general, Bluetooth-enableddevices connect wirelessly witheach other within a range ofIHHW P In order for two Bluetooth-en-abled devices to work togetherwirelessly to perform a certainfunction, both devices shouldbe compatible with the same%OXHWRRWKSURÀOHWKDWVXSSRUWVthis function.Introduction to NB-200Thank you for purchasing ourproduct.This is a portable Bluetoothwireless speaker system thatsupports Bluetooth version 2.1.This device is compatible withWKHIROORZLQJ%OXHWRRWKSURÀOHV A2DP - Advanced Audio'LVWULEXWLRQ3URÀOH AVRCP - Audio/Video5HPRWH&RQWURO3URÀOH +63+HDGVHW3URÀOH +)3+DQGV)UHH3URÀOHWith this device, you can: Play music from aBluetooth-enabled mobilephone or audio source thatis compatible with A2DP,such as an iPod/iPhone/iPad, Android smartphone,PC, or Mac. Use the device as a speak-er phone for a Bluetoothconnected mobile phone. Play music from an auxiliarydevice connected throughthe supplied 3.5 mm audiocable.