1510. When moving the saw to a new location, be sure the blade is not touchingthe ground. Always pay close attention to where you are moving andwhere the blade is at all times.D. Cutting TechniqueLower the blade into the concrete to the required depth by turning the handwheel clockwise.Push the saw steadily forward using the front pointer as a guide. Exertenough forward pressure so that the engine begins to labor, but does not slowdown. If the saw begins to stall, reduce the forward movement until full rpm isrestored to the blade. If the saw stalls, raise the blade out of the cut beforerestarting. Avoid excessive side pressure or twisting of the blade in the cut.When cutting for best performance do not cut at more than 1-1/2” deep perpass. Making multiple shallow passes will increase blade life, speed of cut,and decrease engine/motor loads.Additional Guide Lines For Sawing:• Understand and follow all of the instructions in this owner’s manual.• In critically hard aggregate, be careful not to feed too quickly as it may stallthe saw or ruin the cut.• If the saw stalls in the cut, immediately stop the forward speed and raisethe blade out of the cut. If this is not done the belts can fail or the blademay be damaged.• Go slowly with a new blade until it opens up, that is, until the diamondscan be seen and felt.E. Green Concrete CuttingThe new Norton Clipper GC55 and GC25E are much more than a greenconcrete saw or as it is some times called an early entry saw. The GC55 andGC25E where designed from the ground up to be a High PerformanceMultiple Application saw. The GC55 and GC2E models are capable of cuttingGreen Concrete (Early Entry), Cured Concrete, Asphalt, and DecorativeConcrete. Being able to cut more than just green gives the GC55 and GC25Emany advantages over the competitor’s machines such as a lower investmentfor our customer.