– 2 –Addendum P/N GM1511 10/15/01ROTATING CHARTS ON THE CHART SCREENThe 952’s chart-rotation feature lets you change the angle ofcharts that are displayed on the CHART screen. You can turncharts to any one of the following angles:☛ North up - You’ll see north pointing straight upwards (thechart isn’t turned).☛ Course-up - You’ll see your vessel’s current direction oftravel—whatever that direction is—pointing straight upwards.Course-up represents your true course over the last fewseconds as determined by the GPS receiver. The 952 ignoresany course changes if your speed is under half a knot. Thechart will rotate sooner for large turns than for small ones.☛ Leg-up - You’ll see your vessel’s current leg to a waypoint—whatever direction that is—pointing straight upwards. The952 will adjust the chart on a leg-by-leg basis, so the chartturns accordingly whenever you start navigating on a newleg, even if you haven’t turned the vessel yet. Exception: Ifyou select leg-up when you aren’t currently navigating, the952 automatically uses course-up—until you start navigatingalong another leg.If you’re viewing course-up or leg-up, the text from theNavionics cartridge is tilted to match the rotation angle in orderto avoid text overlap.CHANGING THE ROTATION SETTINGTo change the chart rotation setting:❶ Press the key to display the CHART screen.❷ Press the CHART SETUP key to display the CHART SETUP/STATUS screen.❸ Press the ROTATION IS key to select among the threechoices:• rotation is north up• rotation is course up