4.3.4 Constant Current check4.3.5 OVP check4.3.6 UVP check4.3.7 Foldback check4.3.8 Output On/Off4.3.9 Address setting4.3.10 Local/Remote operationTurn off the power supply. Connect an electronic load with suitable voltage and current rating to theoutput terminals, as explained in paragraph 3.7.3. Turn-on the power supply. Vary the load current andcheck that the unit regulates the output voltage while the load current is smaller than the power supplycurrent rating. Further increase the load current and check that the power supply regulates the outputcurrent.Adjust the output voltage to zero using the front panel knob. Momentarily press OVP/UVP pushbuttonuntil the OVP LED illuminates and the VOLTS display shows OUP.The AMPS display will show the lastsetting of the OVP level. Rotate the Adjust knob to 50% of the supply’s voltage rating. Adjust the outputvoltage toward it’s maximum and check that the output voltage cannot be increased more than the OVPsetting.Adjust the output voltage to the rated voltage using the front panel knob. Momentarily press OVP/UVPpushbutton until the UVP LED illuminates and the VOLTS display shows UUP..The AMPS display willshow the last setting of the UVP level. Rotate the ADJUST knob to 50% of the supply’s voltage rating.Adjust the output voltage toward it’s minimum and check that the output voltage cannot be decreasedbelow the UVP setting.Set the load current to 50% of the supply rating. Momentarily press FOLD pushbutton and check thatthe FOLD LED illuminates. Increase the load current toward the supply current rating. Check that theoutput voltage and current fall to zero when the load current reaches the Constant Current setting. TheFOLD LED should flash , the ALM LED illuminates and the output is disabled in this condition.Reduce the load current setting below the power supply current rating and momentarily press OUTpushbutton. Check that the output voltage and current recover and FOLD continuously illuminates.Momentarily press the FOLD pushbutton and check that FOLD LED turns off.Repeatedly press OUT pushbutton and check that the power supply output is turned On and Off. Whilethe output is On, the OUT LED illuminates. While the output is Off, the LED is Off.Momentarily press ADDR pushbutton so the ADDR LED illuminates and the AMPS display showsAddr. The VOLTS display shows the last address setting. Rotate the ADJUST knob and check that theVOLTSdisplay varies between 0 and 31.Repeatedly press REM pushbutton and check that REM LED turns on and off. While the power supplyis at Remote mode, the LED is on and while at Local mode, the LED is off. While the LED is off, turn offthe power supply,remove the DVM and the load wires.26