HOSE REEL SER. 884NO. 148435 01DATE 2000-09-014CHANGING THE SPRINGWARNING!Risk of personal injury!Before starting any operationin the reel:- Turn off the supply of air/water/oil/grease.- Release the spring tensionby disconnecting tool, if any,from the hose, removing thehose stop and allow the hoseto recoil completely. Followthe instructions carefullywhen handling the spring.DISMANTLING32 Remove thespring lid andhub. Use a toolif necessary.Unscrew theblue cover.1IMPORTANT!Check the rivet which holds the springtogether and is positioned at the springperiphery. If the rivet is damaged, thespring must not be removed from thedrum. The cassette with outlet armincluding spring must in that case bechanged as one unit.Fit the plastic stripes to thespring. The stripes comesin the package togetherwith the new spring.5Remove thedamaged spring.Turn the page