SER. 810Tool AttachmentThe balancer is furnished with a tool clip. Attach toolcomplete with hose or cable and fittings. Warning!Never pull the balancer tool clip down to the tool.Always lift the tool up to the tool clip.Automatic LockIf tension is too low or a spring should break, anautomatic lock will engage to prevent the drumfrom turning.Maintenance and inspectionThe balancer is designed to require little mainte-nance. Periodically check cable, tool clip, swivel andhanger for wear. Replace all worn parts immediately.The balancer is lubricated for life and requires noadditional lubrication.Spring Tension AdjustmentNB! Attach full load including all attachments beforeadjusting tension.Decreasing Spring TensionIf the cable stop is up tight against the cableguide, there is too much tension on thebalancer mainspring. To reduce tension:1. Turn mainshaft (a) with a wrench in acounterclockwise direction just enoughto release tension lock lever (b).2. Push tension lock lever (b).3. Slowly allow mainshaft to turnclockwise and release tension locklever before allowing mainshaft torotate 1/4 turn (1-click).4. Repeat this process untildesired tension is achieved.Increasing Spring TensionIf the tool attached to the balancer cable descends,there is not enough tension on the balancer mainspring.To increase tension:1. Turn the mainshaft (a) with a wrench in acounterclockwise direction.2. Turn mainshaft 1/4 turn (1-click) at a time untildesired tension is achieved.If the spring tension has been increasedcheck that the required length ofthe cable can be drawn out with-out stretching the spring to the limit.Warning!Risk of personal injury!Never remove the spring from the drumand spring assembly. Replacementsprings are sealed for safety.NO. 144006(00)DAT. 2009-12-21RENGLISHServiceWhen replacing spare parts the balancer shall be disassembledaccording to following description:1. Remove all spring tension (see "Spring Tension Adjustment")2. Remove the tool with all attachments.3. Remove the balancer from its support device and performthe work on a workbench.4. Remove the screws from the cable guide (18).5. Remove the balancer cases.6. When replacing cable the folowing parts should be removedand replaced together with the new cable:- Auto stop set (26)- Cable guide (18)- Cable stop (21)- Tool clip (24)MountingHang the balancer directly over the work area bythe swivel fork provided at the top of the balancer.NB! The support device should have a breakstrength exceeding six times the combined weightof the balancer and the load.Cable stop/bumper AdjustmentMake all cable stop adjustments with the toolattached to the tool clip and tension properly set.Loosen cable stop and slide the cable up or downto position tool at desired working height. Thentighten the cable stop