NEO IP/GSM Technical HandbookDocument number: NE41 09002-02 v2.02.2.7 Radio coverage testIf the green Reset button is pressed and held while the unit is switched on andkept pressed until the start-up flashing has finished, the unit will go directly intoRadio coverage test mode.After connecting a new radio transmitter, see Adding a additional radio trans-mitter to the home care phone on page 13 the unit will automatically enter Radiocoverage test mode.The purpose of the radio coverage test is to check the range for the radio trans-mitter. After the radio coverage test has been activated, the user may walkaround and check if the connection is OK. The acknowledgements are an acousti-cal indication from the loudspeaker and that the LED on the ATOM turns green.When the user activates the transmitter, the following responses from the homecare phone are possible:Response MeaningOne short beep Correct code, battery OKOne long beep Correct code, battery weakTable 3. Radio coverage test responses2.2.8 Testing the quality of the GSM networkSince there is no screen to display the GSM network strength (as would be thecase on a normal GSM mobile phone), the NEO IP/GSM can perform a test to dothis.1. Press the green Reset and the grey Extra button simoultaneously and keeppressed until four beeps are heard, then release.2. NEO GSM will now measure the GSM signal strength and after approx 10-15seconds it will beep a number of beeps to state the signal quality, see the tablebelow. NEO GSM will then beep approx every 5 seconds to state the signalstrength until the test is terminated.3. Walk around in the home to ensure best reception possible. Keep the NEOGSM still for approx 10 seconds in each new location to ensure that the meter-ing is as accurate as possible.4. Terminate the metering by pressing the green reset button.Beep Signal strength1 beep Very weak2 beeps Weak3 beeps Fair4 beeps Strong5 beeps Very strongTable 4. GSM network quality test indicationsWeak or very weak is not recommended.Operating the unit15 of 56