Reference GuideThe pull-up reference guide is located on the top of the Command Center.It provides a quick reference guide for zone locations, and a list of all theCommands and their functions.Digital KeypadThe Command Center has a lighted digital keypad used to enter passcodesand system commands into the security system. As you touch the keys toenter a passcode, the Command Center emits a short beep to indicate thatyour entry is accepted.When entering a passcode or command at the keypad, each key must bepressed within five seconds of the last key entry. After five seconds haveexpired from the last key entry, the entire entry is cleared and the passcodemust be started over.Command BarThe COMMAND bar is used to perform standard one- or two-digitcommand functions.NOTE: Some systems require a security passcode be entered before theCOMMAND bar can operate.My system requires a security passcode: ____________.My system does not require a security passcode.If your security system has a security passcode, you must press theCOMMAND bar after entering the passcode (plus ENT ), in orderto enter the Command mode.Enter KeyWhen the passcode has been completed, you must press the ENT(Enter) key to activate the passcode. If you do not press the ENT key,the passcode is ignored by the security system. System commands (entriesthat begin with the COMMAND bar) do not require the ENT k e yto activate the entry.Function KeysThe Command Center has three Function Keys (labeled A, B, and C). TheFunction Keys can be used to perform system commands with the touch ofone key. Commands are not displayed when they are initiated by a FunctionKey.Function Key Command Function PerformedFunction Key A ____________________________________Function Key B ____________________________________Function Key C ____________________________________If a Command bar security code is required on your Command Center, itmust be entered before pressing the function key.