68OMCE-10/01-35016ADJUSTMENTSTo ensure safety, all of the following adjust-ments must be made only after the engineclutch lever has been disengaged and theignition key and spark plug wire have beenremoved.HEIGHT OF CUTThe height of cut is variable and may be adjusted onboth wing mowers and the rear mower by loosening thetop and bottom Adjusting Nuts (1, Fig. I) which hold RollerAdjusters (2, Fig. I) in Roller Brackets (3, Fig. I). Roller (4,Fig. I) may then be moved up and down.It is important to get all rollers adjusted to the sameheight so that there will be uniform cutting across theFIGURE INOTEGuards removed or cutaway to show detailentire width of the mower. Do not adjust by sight. Place themower on a hard, level surface. Loosen the AdjustingNuts (1, Fig. I) on each side of reel assemblies and placea board or gauge plate of the desired height under eachbed knife back bar. Tighten bolts securely.REEL TO BED KNIFE ADJUSTMENTThe reel is adjusted to a fixed position bed knife. Thisconstruction allows a more rugged and durable frame andretains the proper adjustment longer. The Reel AdjusterBolt (5, Fig. I) regulates reel distance from the bed knife.To reduce the distance, turn the upper hex adjuster nuton each side of the reel down. Proceed slowly and do notoveradjust—use about 1/8 of a turn on each side at first.Do not adjust one side more than the other unless the reelis obviously out of alignment. Do not get the reel so tightthat it is hard to turn by hand. A too tight reel will wear muchfaster. Ideally, the reel should “wipe” or lightly touch thebed knife. It is not necessary to adjust or change theposition of the lower adjustment nut.Proper cutting action may be tested by holding paperstrips between the reel and the bed knife. Turn the reel byhand and check to see if the assembly cuts the paper allthe way across the width of the bed knife. Make sure thatthe adjusting and the locking nuts on both side aretightened securely.Handle reel assemblies carefully withprotective gloves.Reels rotate freely and are very sharp.Special care should be taken in the areawhere the reel contacts the bed knife.REEL END PLAY ADJUSTMENTWith extended use, normal wear of the reel bearingswill cause end play. This condition could cause unevenwear to mower parts and uneven cutting of turf.Test for end play periodically by trying to move the reelfrom side to side in the frame. If there is ANY movement,adjust the bearings by loosening the lock nut on theadjustment bolt (6, Fig. I) which is located on the insideright end of the reels, and turning the adjustment bolt INone half turn or less. Do not overtighten. An overtightenedbearing will cause excessive bearing wear. Test again forend play and if reel is rotating freely and end play is notnoticeable, tighten the lock nut.