National Instruments ™ , NI ™ , ™ , and SCXI ™ are trademarks of National Instruments Corporation. Product and company names mentioned hereinare trademarks or trade names of their respective companies. For patents covering National Instruments products, refer to the appropriate location:Help»Patents in your software, the patents.txt file on your CD, or © 1993–2002 National Instruments Corp. All rights reserved. February 2002INSTALLATION GUIDESCXI -1351 ONE -S LOT C ABLE EXTENDERThis guide describes how to install the National Instruments SCXI-1351one-slot cable extender in an SCXI system.The SCXI-1351 extends the pinout from a 100- or 50-pin digital I/O (DIO)data acquisition (DAQ) device to one or more SCXI modules. TheSCXI-1351 is intended for use with the SCXI-1181 module for customsignal conditioning, but you can use it with some other SCXI modules.What You Need To Get StartedTo set up and use the SCXI-1351, you need the following items:❑ Computer❑ One or more SCXI-1351 one-slot cable extenders❑ One or more SCXI modules❑ SCXI chassis❑ 100- or 50-pin DIO DAQ device❑ One of the following:– NB5, NB6, or R1005050 cable for a 100-pin DIO device– NB1 or R5050 cable for a 50-pin DIO device❑ SCXI-1351 One-Slot Cable Extender Installation Guide❑ Small flathead screwdriver❑ Two small screws™