© National Instruments | 5-7TitleShort-Hidden (cross reference text)Counter 1 Internal Output SignalThe Counter 1 Internal Output (Ctr0InternalOutput) signal is the output of Counter 1. This signalreflects the terminal count (TC) of Counter 1. The counter generates a terminal count when itscount value rolls over. The two software-selectable output options are pulse on TC and toggleoutput polarity on TC. The output polarity is software-selectable for both options. Figure 5-9shows the behavior of the Ctr1InternalOutput signal.Figure 5-9. Ctr1InternalOutput BehaviorYou can use Ctr1InternalOutput in the following applications:• In pulse generation mode, the counter drives Ctr1InternalOutput with the generated pulses.To enable this behavior, software configures the counter to toggle Ctr1InternalOutputon TC.• Ctr1InternalOutput can control the timing of analog output acquisitions by drivingao/SampleClock.• Counter 0 and 1 can be daisy-chained together by routing Ctr1InternalOutput to Ctr0Gate.• Ctr1InternalOutput drives the CTR 1 OUT pin to trigger or control external devices.• Ctr1InternalOutput can drive other internal signals.Refer to Device Routing in MAX in the NI-DAQmx Help or the LabVIEW Help for moreinformation.Counter 1 Up/Down SignalYou can externally input this signal on the P0.7 pin, but it is not available as an output on the I/Oconnector. When you enable externally controlled count direction, Counter 1 counts down whenthis pin is at a logic low and counts up when it is at a logic high. If you do not enable externallycontrolled count direction, the P0.7 pin is free for general use.Frequency Output SignalThis signal is available only as an output on the FREQ OUT pin. The frequency generator foryour device outputs on the Frequency Output signal. The frequency generator is a four-bitcounter that can divide its input clock by the numbers one through 16. The input clock of thefrequency generator is software-selectable from the internal 10 MHz and 100 kHz timebases.The output polarity is software-selectable. This output is set to high-impedance at startup.Ctr1SourceCtr1InternalOutput(Pulse on TC)Ctr1InternalOutput(Toggle Output on TC)TC