3.3 horizontal air terminal installation3.4 extended horizontal and corner air terminal installationFOR REAR VENT ONLY: A 45° corner installation can have 0” (0mm)rise between the appliance combustion air collar and the air terminal.In this case, vent lengths must be kept to a maximum of 24” (61cm).For longer vent lengths, a minimum vertical rise of 24” (61cm) is required.A. Follow the instructions for "horizontal air terminal installation" section.B. Continue adding components alternating inner rigid pipe and outerrigid pipe. Ensure that all inner rigid pipe and elbows have sufficientvent spacers attached and each component is sealed and securelyfastened to the one prior. Attach the inner telescopic sleeve to thevent run. Repeat using the outer telescopic sleeve. Seal and secureas before. To facilitate completion, attach inner and outer couplersto the air terminal.C. Install the air terminal. See “horizontal air terminal installation” section.Extend the outer telescopic sleeve; connect to the air terminal assembly.Fasten with self tapping screws and seal.32.1AAdd ImageA. Stretch the inner flex pipe to the required length takinginto account the additional length needed for the finishedwall surface. Apply a heavy bead of the red RTV silicone(W573-0002) (not supplied) to the inner sleeve of the airterminal. Slip the vent pipe a minimum of 2” (50.8mm)over the inner sleeve of the air terminal and secure with aminimum of 3 screws.B. Using the outer fl ex pipe, slide over the outer combustionair sleeve of the air terminal and secure with a minimumof 3 screws. Seal using red RTV silicone (W573-0002)(not supplied).C. Insert the vent pipes through the firestop maintainingthe required clearance to combustibles. Holding the airterminal (lettering in an upright, readable position), secureto the exterior wall and make weather tight by sealingwith caulking (not supplied).D. If more vent pipe needs to be used to reach the fireplace,couple them together, as illustrated. The vent systemmust be supported approximately every 3 feet (0.9m) forboth vertical and horizontal runs. Use non-combustiblestrapping to maintain the minimum clearance tocombustibles.E. Stove Appliances Only: From inside the house, usingRed RTV Silicone (W573-0002) (not supplied), sealbetween the vent pipe and the firestop. Then slide the black trim collar over the vent pipe up to thefi restop.The air terminal mounting plate may be recessed into the exterior wall or siding no greater than thedepth of its return flange.18.1ADD FASTENER TYPEADD GRAPHICScrews(Supplied)2" (50.8mm) OverlapOuter Flex PipeInner FlexPipeRed RTV SiliconeCaulkingScrews(Supplied)2" (50.8mm) OverlapOuter Flex PipeInner FlexPipeCaulkingRed RTV Silicone ScrewsInner CouplerOuter CouplerOuter FlexPipe Inner FlexPipeOuter FlexPipeRed RTV Silicone! WARNING• Terminals must not be recessed into a wall or siding more than the depth of the return flange of themounting plate.• Do not allow the inner flex pipe to bunch up on horizontal or vertical runs and elbows. Keep it pulled tight.Telescopic sleeveVentingTOP VENT20" (51cm)CouplerREAR VENTAir terminalAir terminalTelescopic sleeve20" (51cm)Coupler VentingTELESCOPIC SLEEVEVENTINGAIR TERMINAL20" (508mm)COUPLERType 1 (x3) Type 2 (x4)Outer Rigid PipeOuter RigidPipeinstallationENW415-2207 / C / 08.23.1821