MaintenanceProtecting the engine during periods of inactivity29A set of operations will protect the engine during long pe-riods of non-use. We recommend that you have thesewinterization operations carried out by a Nanni Dieselauthorised workshop.During short periods of inactivity, carry out the following op-erations:• Check all the electrical contacts and protect them withan anti-oxidant spray if necessary.• Check the electrolyte level and that the battery ischarged.• Take the engine to its operating temperature (70-80°C)at least once a month.For long periods of inactivity, carry out the operations be-low. This treatment is effective for 6 months. If the period ofinactivity is extended, repeat this treatment.1. Drain the engine and gearbox oil, change the oil filterand fill with new oil. Drain and replace the coolant.2. Drain the fuel prefilter and replace the cartridge (ifequipped).3. Change the fuel filter and drain the fuel circuit withstorage fuel.4. Inspect the air filter. Change it if necessary.5. Check that the injection pump rack moves freely (ifequipped).6. Inspect the control cables (make sure the engine is atidle and the gearbox in neutral).7. Remove all the mechanical parts and the ancillaryapplications that could be damaged during the no-load operation of the engine.8. Inspect the belts. Replace it if necessary.9. Start the engine and let it operate few minutes with-out load.10.Run the engine at 1500-1800 rpm for 15 minutes untilthe operating temperature (70-80°C) is reached.11. Stop the engine and remove the start key from thepanel.12.Let the engine cool down to avoid the risk of burns.13.Block all the openings (admission, exhaust, fuel line,air valve).14.Loosen belts.15.Remove and store the impeller of the sea water pumpin a hermetic opaque container. Indicate clearly witha note on the engine «IMPELLER OF RAW WATERPUMP MISSING».16.Remove the battery.17.Spray an anti-damp spray on the engine and theelectric parts (starter, alternator, wire harness con-nectors and panel).18.Clean the hold and Install a dehumidifier.19.Grease the control cables (if equipped)Restarting the engineAfter a period of inactivity, carry out the following opera-tions before restarting the engine:• Check that the battery is charged and the level of theliquid. Check that the electrical contacts are intact andworking correctly.• Check the oil level. If necessary fill the oil tank or drainthe oil according to the intervals given in the Silverwakebooklet.• Replace the oil filter• Check the coolant level. Fill with coolant if necessaryor drain the coolant according to the intervals given inthe Silverwake booklet.• Replace the fuel filter according to the intervals givenin the Silverwake booklet.• Replace the air filter according to the intervals given inthe Silverwake booklet.• Re-tighten the belt.• Check the tightness of the connections.• Check the integrity of the impeller of the seawaterpump and put it back into the pump.• Remove the exterior protection treatment and all thecovers.• Start the engine and if no defaults appear, let it run forfew minutes without load.• Stop the engine and check the engine oil and coolantlevels. Check for leakage.Prolonged storageFor prolonged storage before or after being used for thefirst time, a specific set of measures should be adopted.Contact your Nanni Diesel authorised engineer.