BACK PANELto narrow the stereo width of a reverb field. To do this you willhave to come back on two mono channels to get independentpan for the left and right signals.(25) AUX SENDThe Aux Send jack is the unbalanced output for the signalssent from the channel Aux controls (5). It is post-fader. Thissignal can be sent to the input of an effects processor, multi-track recorder, or used for any other line-level auxiliarypurpose. The Aux Send level is adjusted by the channel AuxSend controls (5).(12) PHANTOM POWER ON LED INDICATORThis LED will light when the PHANTOM POWER switch (28)is turned on.(13) POWER ON LEDOnce you have connected the AC power cord to the ACpower source and the AC Power In Socket (29), switch onyour mixer with the Power On switch (27). The Power “ON”LED will light up. Allow 1 minute after powering up for thesystem to reach equilibrium before setting input gains andother levels.b. Master Mix Function and Operation(32) MAIN SPEAKER OUTPUTS(23) STEREO OUTPUTS(15) TAPE INPUTS(18) TAPE IN LEVEL CONTROLC O N T R O L S A N D C O N N E C T I O N S9(14) REC OUTPUTS(17) MASTER MIX GAIN CONTROL(19,20 ) LED OUTPUT METERING INDICATORS(21) TAPE IN TO MASTER/TAPE TO HEADPHONESONLY SWITCHThe Master Mix is output to the Main Speaker outputs (32),Stereo Outputs (23), and the Record Output (14). The L/RSpeaker Outputs (32) provide 35W at 4 ohms for poweringP.A. speakers rated for this power or more. The StereoOutputs are Left (L) and Right (R) 1/4” TRS phone jackscompatible with both unbalanced and balanced connectionsto other mixers, recording equipment, or additional amplifiersfor increased P.A. power, etc. The REC Outputs (14) alsoprovide an output of the master mix. These outputs are RCAjacks, and designed primarily for inputs to tape recorders, etc.The output level routed to the Speaker outputs, StereoOutputs and REC Outputs is determined ultimately by thesetting of the Master Mix Gain Control (17). The MasterMix (signal on the main bus) is the sum of the signals routedfrom all the channels and also the inputs from the AUX returnbus and the TAPE Input (15). Set the Tape In ToMaster/Tape to Headphones Only switch (21) to the “down”position to route signals from the Tape Input (15) to theMaster Mix Gain Control (17). The level of signal routed tothe Master Mix Gain Control (17) from DAT, tape decks, CDplayers, etc., input to the Tape Input (15) is determined bythe setting of the output volume control of the audio device(29) (32)(27)(28) (31)(30)