en Customer service324 Customer serviceCus t omer s er v i c eIf you are unable to rectify the fault,please contact our customer service.We will always find an appropriatesolution in order to avoid unnecessaryvisits by engineers.The contact information for your nearestcustomer service can be found here oron the enclosed customer service list.When calling, please state the productnumber (E-Nr.) and the productionnumber (FD) which can be found on therating plate.~ "Getting to know your appliance"on page 24Trust the expertise of themanufacturer. You can therefore besure that the repair is carried out bytrained service technicians who carryoriginal spare parts for your domesticappliances.Appliance self-testYour appliance features a self-testprogramme which displays the faultwhich your customer service can rectify.1. Switch off the appliance and wait 5minutes.2. Switch on the appliance.3. Within the first 10 seconds afterswitching on, press and hold theSuper refrigerator compartmentbutton for 3- 5 seconds until anaudible signal sounds.The self-test programme starts.While the self-test is running, a longaudible signal sounds in themeantime.■ If 2 audible signals sound after theend of the self-test and the settemperature is displayed, yourappliance is OK.■ If, at the end of the self-test, 5audible signals sound and the Superfreezer compartment button flashesfor 10 seconds, inform customerservice.When the programme has ended,the appliance switches over to normaloperation.Repair order and advice onfaultsContact information for all countries canbe found on the enclosed customerservice list.--------GuaranteeDetailed information on the warrantyperiod and warranty conditions in yourcountry are available from yourcustomer service, your dealer and onour website.GB 0344 892 8989 Calls charged at local ormobile rate.IE 01450 2655 0.03 € per minute atpeak. Off peak 0.0088 €per minute.