82. Command ListCommand Description Page tosee009. ERROR STATUS REQUEST Gets information about errors occurring in the projector. 13015. POWER ON Turns on the power of the projector. 15016. POWER OFF Turns off the power of the projector. 16018. INPUT SW CHANGE Switches the input terminal or entry list. 17020. PICTURE MUTE ON Turns the picture mute on. 19021. PICTURE MUTE OFF Turns the picture mute off. 20022. SOUND MUTE ON Turns the sound mute on. 21023. SOUND MUTE OFF Turns the sound mute off. 22024. ONSCREEN MUTE ON Turns the onscreen mute on. 23025. ONSCREEN MUTE OFF Turns the onscreen mute off. 24030-1. PICTURE ADJUST Adjusts the picture. 25030-2. VOLUME ADJUST Adjusts the sound volume. 27030-12. ASPECT ADJUST Adjusts the aspect. 29030-15. OTHER ADJUST Adjusts the various gains. 30037. INFORMATION REQUEST Gets the information of the projector. 32037-3. FILTER USAGE INFORMATION REQUEST Gets filter usage information such as usage time. 33037-4. LAMP INFORMATION REQUEST 3 Gets lamp information such as usage time and remaining life. 34037-6. CARBON SAVINGS INFORMATION REQUEST Gets the Carbon Saving values on the projector. 36050. REMOTE KEY CODE Sends the key code for remote control. 38053. LENS CONTROL Adjusts the lens position. 40053-1. LENS CONTROL REQUEST Gets adjusted values of the lens position. 42053-2. LENS CONTROL 2 Adjusts the lens position. 44053-3. LENS MEMORY CONTROL Controls the lens memory. 46053-4. REFERENCE LENS MEMORY CONTROL Controls the reference lens memory. 48053-5. LENS MEMORY OPTION REQUEST Gets the value set for the lens memory. 50053-6. LENS MEMORY OPTION SET Sets the lens memory. 51053-7. LENS INFORMATION REQUEST Gets information about the lens of the projector. 53053-10. LENS PROFILE SET Selects the profile number of the reference lens memory. 54053-11. LENS PROFILE REQUEST Gets the selected profile number of the reference lensmemory. 55060-1. GAIN PARAMETER REQUEST 3 Gets adjusted values of the picture, volume, and backlight. 56