English-19EnglishSetting DefaultBRIGHTNESS Adjusts the overall image and background brightness.CONTRAST Adjusts the image brightness in relation to the input signal.NOTE: sRGB picture mode is standard and cannot be changed.SHARPNESS Adjusts the crispness of the image.BLACK LEVEL Adjusts the image brightness in relation to the background.TINT Adjusts the tint of the screen.INPUT HDMI, DVD/HD, S-VIDEO, VIDEO1, VIDEO2 onlyCOLOR Adjusts the color depth of the screen.INPUT HDMI, DVD/HD, S-VIDEO, VIDEO1, VIDEO2 onlyCOLOR TEMPERATURE Adjusts the color temperature of the entire screen. A low color temperature will make the screen reddish.A high color temperature will make the screen bluish.USER COLOR Select the USER COLOR SETTING feature ON/OFF.USER COLOR SETTING Adjusts the levels of the Red, Yellow, Green, Cyan, Blue and Magenta.Note: The sRGB picture mode is standard and cannot be changed.It can be adjusted only when USER COLOR is selected ON.GAMMA SELECTION Select a display gamma for best picture quality.NATIVE Gamma correction is handled by the LCD panel.2.2 Typical display gamma for use with a PC.2.4 Good for video (TV, DVD, etc.)S GAMMA Special gamma for certain types of movies. Raises the dark parts and lowers the light parts of the image.NOTE: sRGB picture is standard and cannot be changed.NOISE REDUCTION Adjusts the amount of noise reduction.INPUT S-VIDEO, VIDEO1, VIDEO2 onlyFILM MODE Selects Film mode function. (AUTO)INPUT HDMI, DVD/HD, S-VIDEO, VIDEO1, VIDEO2 only This mode is better suited for movies, which is converted 24 Frames/sec source to DVD Video.PICTURE RESET Resets the all settings within the PICTURE menu back to factory setting.AUTO SETUP Press “SET” button to automatically adjust screen size, horizontal position, vertical position, clock, clock phase,INPUT VGA, RGB/HV only white level and black level.AUTO ADJUST Selecting ON when changing the timing, the horizontal position, vertical position and clock phase will adjustINPUT VGA, RGB/HV only automatically.H POSITION Controls the horizontal position of the image within the Display area of the LCD.ALL inputs except DVI, HDMI Press + to move right. Press - to move left.V POSITION Controls the vertical position of the image within the Display area of the LCD.ALL inputs except DVI, HDMI Press + to move up. Press - to move down.CLOCK Press + to expand the width of the image on the right of the screen.INPUT VGA, RGB/HV only Press - to narrow the width of the image on the left.CLOCK PHASE Adjusts the visual “noise” on the image.INPUT VGA, RGB/HV onlyZOOM MODE You can select “FULL”, “NORMAL”, “DYNAMIC”, “CUSTOM” and “REAL”.NOTE: DYNAMIC is INPUT HDMI, DVD/HD, S-VIDEO, VIDEO1, VIDEO2 only.Selecting DYNAMIC expands 4:3 picture to fill the screen. Some of the image is lost due to expansion.Selecting “REAL” image will be displayed 1 by 1pixel.CUSTOM ZOOM “CUSTOM ZOOM” will be selected when you select “CUSTOM” on the screen “ZOOM” mode.ZOOM Expands the horizontal and the vertical size simultaneously.H ZOOM Expands the horizontal size only.V ZOOM Expands the vertical size only.H POSITION Moves to the right with + button. Moves to the left with - button.V POSITION Moves up with + button. Moves down with - button.PICTUREADJUST