Installing Rack Components 5-15To install your concentrator:3. Using the longer set of screws (Figure 5-11, C) received with theconcentrator, attach the two halves of the side rail together. The rear rail(Figure 5-11, B) should be assembled to the outside, or closest to the rackrails.ABC DEA. ConcentratorB. Rear Concentrator RailC. Concentrator Rail ScrewsD. Concentrator Mounting ScrewsE. Front Concentrator RailFigure 5-11. Assembling the Concentrator Rails4. Adjust the length of the concentrator rails to fit between the outside of thefront and rear vertical posts in the system rack.5. Attach the two side rails to the sides of the concentrator with the four shorterscrews (Figure 5-11, D) received with the concentrator.