4-2 Installing the System RackIntroductionThe steps required to prepare your rack are:! Unpack and inventory your rack and its system components.! Remove the doors and side panels from the rack to simplify the assemblyof rack components.! Position and level the rack(s).! Install one or more rack frame link kits when assembling multi-racksystems.! Attach the front stabilizer when your rack is in its permanent location.What You NeedIn addition to the materials shipped to you and standard hand tools, you willneed:! a level for leveling the rack and an adjustable wrench to lower and securethe leveling feet! an adjustable wrench or ratchet set to attach the stabilizer to the base ofthe rack! a #2 and #3 Phillips-head screwdriver to assemble rack-mountinghardware, and! if you are assembling a multi-rack system, you will need a six foot step-ladder! WARNINGIt is strongly recommended that two people be present whenassembling the rack and installing system components.