6KeyboardsThe monochrome terminal supports only the “PC-style” keyboards which include the PC 101/102-key andCompact PC 101-key keyboard.The color terminal supports two styles of keyboards: “PC-style” and “ANSI-style” keyboards.The keyboard layout is divided into functional key groups (as described below). The ANSI - style keyboard differsfrom the PC-style keyboard mainly in that it features 20 function keys, a set of PF-keys, and a different stylenumeric keypad. The PC-style keyboards include the PC 101-key and Compact PC 101-key keyboards.The alphanumeric keypad is the main typewriter keypad, while the function key group lies along the top of thekeyboard and can be programmed locally or downloaded from the host. The numeric keypad is the calculator-style set of keys on the right hand side of the keyboard, used in entering numeric data.The cursor and edit keypads, located to the left of the numeric keypad. The function key group is located abovethe alphanumeric keypad. The communication key group, above the edit keypad, is used to controlcommunications with the host or printer.Each keyboard is equipped with a set of local “hot-keys”, which perform a variety of terminal functions, such as“Print Screen” and “Enter Setup”PC 101-key KeyboardSysRq BreakPauseInsertDelete End 7 8 9 +4 5 61 2 3EnterDel.0Ins-*/PrintScrn ScrollLockHome PageUpPageDownNumLockEndHome PgUpPgDn@2$4!1 6&7 8 =3%5(9)0Q W E R T Y U I O P [FDSA G H J "LKX C V B MN . /ZCtrlCtrl AltAltEsc F4F3F2F1+{ }_-CapsLock?*^><:;]'~ #,Shift ShiftTabF12F11F10F9F8F7F6F5 NumLock CapsLock ScrollLockBackSpace|\Enter+PC 102-key KeyboardCompact PC 101-key Keyboard