Gas -Oriental GB – Gas Teppanyaki Jumbo GrillFRM-PDE-03-04Table 9Gas TypeGas Pressure (mbar)Normal Minimum MaximumNatural gas H G20 20 17 25LPG G30/G31 28 / 37 20/25 35/45Gas Conversion1. Only professional and qualified mechanic can do this job.2. By looking “Adjustment”, replace Main Burner Injectors, Pilot Burner Injectors, and adjust correctlyPrimary Air Setting for each Main Burner.3. Spare injectors are available with the appliance.4. Make sure the diameter printed on each injector in 1/100 of a millimeter.5. Convert the appliance after turn the gas OFF and in UP position and let Gas Teppanyaki JumboGrill cool.C = Inlet pressure pointD = Gas pipeE = Flexible pipeG = Inlet gas connectionM = ManometerR = Gas tapImportant! On completion of the operation, make sure that there are no gas leaks ormalfunctionsFig. 10NAYATI 23 20150917