CW25 Software User Manual Page 34 of 50 Rev 03 Date: 06/16/08Copyright ©2007 NavSync Ltd.All Rights Reserved Specifications subject to change without notice.Name Description#WTP Base Station Week, Time, and Position data.week GPS Week Number (blank if unknown)TOW GPS Time of Week (seconds) of transmission of the # character at the start of themessage (approx +/-20 msec accuracy)ECEF-X Base Station ECEF Position, X coordinate (metres)ECEF-Y Base Station ECEF Position, X coordinate (metres)ECEF-Z Base Station ECEF Position, X coordinate (metres)FrqCal Optional GPS reference clock frequency calibration word.The units are system dependant. Under normal usage this field should be left blank.cs 8-bit accumulative checksum of all bytes in-between the # and & characters in hexadecimal.11.1 Message Definitions11.1.1 #EPH, Ephemeris Sub frame MessageThis message is output approximately once a second, and hence takes up to16 seconds to transmit an Ephemeris for allsatellites in view. .#EPH, SV, W [1], . . .. , W [24]&cs#EPH, 27,409000,191EA0,D180AF, B1A11B, D70FF6, A17241, 0000A0, 2E0662,A1FBD8, 349A61,E6DEFE, FBE609, 5CBA11, 0ADAA1, 0DAEAD, 724135,00216F,302D23,FF4726, B8F287, 221CA8,A1D0AE, FFA787, A1018D&DEName Description#EPH GPS Navigation Message Ephemeris data for a single satellite.See ICD-GPS-200 for full details.SV SV id number for the ephemeris data to followW [i]i=1 to 24 24 words of the Ephemeris subframes data from words 3 to 10 of subframes 1, 2 and 3 of theGPS Navigation Message.Each of the raw 30 bit data words have been logically shifted 6 bits to the right to removethe 6 parity bits leaving the 24 data bits seen in the above example.cs 8-bit accumulative checksum of all bytes in-between the # and & characters in hexadecimal.11.1.2 #ALM, Almanac Subframe MessageThis message is output approximately twice every seconds, and hence takes up to16 seconds to transmit a complete set ofAlmanacs.#ALM, SV, week, W [1], . . .. , W [8]&cs#ALM, 20,1283,54133D, 0F0DC9,FD4100, A10C6F, 16E0FE, 41DD95,D2B291,EE002D&92Name Description#ALM GPS Navigation Message Almanac data for a single satellite.See ICD-GPS-200 for full details.SV SV id number for the almanac data to followweek Almanac reference GPS week numberW [i]i=1 to 8 8 words of almanac data from words 3 to 10 of the Almanac pages of subframes 4 or 5 of theGPS Navigation Message.Each of the raw 30 bit data words have been logically shifted 6 bits to the right to remove the6 parity bits leaving the 24 data bits seen in the above example.cs 8-bit accumulative checksum of all bytes in-between the # and & characters in hexadecimal.