X GEM-X255 Programming Instructions L NAPCO Security SystemsWI1092B 9/02! Page 64NAPCO SECURITY SYSTEMS, INC. (NAPCO) warrantsits products to be free from manufacturing defects inmaterials and workmanship for thirty-six months followingthe date of manufacture. NAPCO will, within said period,at its option, repair or replace any product failing tooperate correctly without charge to the original purchaseror user.This warranty shall not apply to any equipment, or any partthereof, which has been repaired by others, improperlyinstalled, improperly used, abused, altered, damaged,subjected to acts of God, or on which any serial numbershave been altered, defaced or removed. Seller will not beresponsible for any dismantling or reinstallation charges.THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS ORIMPLIED, WHICH EXTEND BEYOND THEDESCRIPTION ON THE FACE HEREOF. THERE IS NOEXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OFMERCHANTABILITY OR A WARRANTY OF FITNESSFOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ADDITIONALLY, THISWARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER OBLIGATIONSOR LIABILITIES ON THE PART OF NAPCO.Any action for breach of warranty, including but not limitedto any implied warranty of merchantability, must bebrought within the six months following the end of thewarranty period.IN NO CASE SHALL NAPCO BE LIABLE TO ANYONEFOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTALDAMAGES FOR BREACH OF THIS OR ANY OTHERWARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, EVEN IF THELOSS OR DAMAGE IS CAUSED BY THE SELLER'SOWN NEGLIGENCE OR FAULT.In case of defect, contact the security professional whoinstalled and maintains your security system. In order toexercise the warranty, the product must be returned by thesecurity professional, shipping costs prepaid and insuredto NAPCO. After repair or replacement, NAPCO assumesthe cost of returning products under warranty. NAPCOshall have no obligation under this warranty, or otherwise,if the product has been repaired by others, improperlyinstalled, improperly used, abused, altered, damaged,subjected to accident, nuisance, flood, fire or acts of God,or on which any serial numbers have been altered,defaced or removed. NAPCO will not be responsible forany dismantling, reassembly or reinstallation charges.This warranty contains the entire warranty. It is the solewarranty and any prior agreements or representations,whether oral or written, are either merged herein or areexpressly cancelled. NAPCO neither assumes, norauthorizes any other person purporting to act on its behalfto modify, to change, or to assume for it, any otherwarranty or liability concerning its products.In no event shall NAPCO be liable for an amount in excessof NAPCO's original selling price of the product, for anyloss or damage, whether direct, indirect, incidental,consequential, or otherwise arising out of any failure of theproduct. Seller's warranty, as hereinabove set forth, shallnot be enlarged, diminished or affected by and noobligation or liability shall arise or grow out of Seller'srendering of technical advice or service in connection withBuyer's order of the goods furnished hereunder.NAPCO RECOMMENDS THAT THE ENTIRE SYSTEMBE COMPLETELY TESTED WEEKLY.Warning: Despite frequent testing, and due to, but notlimited to, any or all of the following; criminal tampering,electrical or communications disruption, it is possible forthe system to fail to perform as expected. NAPCO doesnot represent that the product/system may not becompromised or circumvented; or that the product orsystem will prevent any personal injury or property loss byburglary, robbery, fire or otherwise; nor that the product orsystem will in all cases provide adequate warning orprotection. A properly installed and maintained alarm mayonly reduce risk of burglary, robbery, fire or otherwise butit is not insurance or a guarantee that these events will notoccur. CONSEQUENTLY, SELLER SHALL HAVE NOLIABILITY FOR ANY PERSONAL INJURY, PROPERTYDAMAGE, OR OTHER LOSS BASED ON A CLAIM THEPRODUCT FAILED TO GIVE WARNING. Therefore, theinstaller should in turn advise the consumer to take anyand all precautions for his or her safety including, but notlimited to, fleeing the premises and calling police or firedepartment, in order to mitigate the possibilities of harmand/or damage.NAPCO is not an insurer of either the property or safety ofthe user's family or employees, and limits its liability forany loss or damage including incidental or consequentialdamages to NAPCO's original selling price of the productregardless of the cause of such loss or damage.Some states do not allow limitations on how long animplied warranty lasts or do not allow the exclusion orlimitation of incidental or consequential damages, ordifferentiate in their treatment of limitations of liability forordinary or gross negligence, so the above limitations orexclusions may not apply to you. This Warranty gives youspecific legal rights and you may also have other rightswhich vary from state to state.NAPCO LIMITED WARRANTY