Nacional Motor, S.A., manufacturer of DERBI mopeds andscooters issues this manual with the object of documenting andsimplifying to the utmost the task of stripping and assembling theDERBI 50 cc 6 speed engine.The intended purpose is to provide the maximum support tomechanics in the practice of their profession in the agencies andsub-agencies of our marque.In the lights of our policy of constant improvement, DERBI-NACIONAL MOTOR, S.A. reserves the right to introduce suchmodifications as it deems appropriate without prior notice.All the information included in this manual is based on the mostrecent data available at the time of publication. The drawings andphotographs are intended to serve solely as reference material,and therefore may not be exactly the same as the components andparts in the model currently on sale.NACIONAL MOTOR, S.A.N.º 7077TH02002Workshop ManualManual de Taller50 c.c. ENGINE6 SPEED