Section 1 General InformationPart Number 000002477 3/08 1-5RESIDENTIAL ICE MACHINE LIMITED WARRANTYWHAT DOES THIS LIMITED WARRANTY COVER?Subject to the exclusions and limitations below,Manitowoc Ice, Inc. (“Manitowoc”) warrants to theoriginal consumer that any new ice machinemanufactured by Manitowoc (the “Product”) shall befree of defects in material or workmanship for thewarranty period outlined below under normal use andmaintenance, and upon proper installation and start-upin accordance with the instruction manual supplied withthe Product.HOW LONG DOES THIS LIMITED WARRANTYLAST?Product Covered Warranty PeriodIce Machine Twelve (12) monthsfrom the sale dateWHO IS COVERED BY THIS LIMITED WARRANTY?This limited warranty only applies to the originalconsumer of the Product and is not transferable.WHAT ARE MANITOWOC ICE’S OBLIGATIONSUNDER THIS LIMITED WARRANTY?If a defect arises and Manitowoc receives a validwarranty claim prior to the expiration of the warrantyperiod, Manitowoc shall, at its option: (1) repair theProduct at Manitowoc’s cost, including standard straighttime labor charges, (2) replace the Product with one thatis new or at least as functionally equivalent as theoriginal, or (3) refund the purchase price for the Product.Replacement parts are warranted for 90 days or thebalance of the original warranty period, whichever islonger. The foregoing constitutes Manitowoc’s soleobligation and the consumer’s exclusive remedy for anybreach of this limited warranty. Manitowoc’s liabilityunder this limited warranty is limited to the purchaseprice of Product. Additional expenses including, withoutlimitation, service travel time, overtime or premium laborcharges, accessing or removing the Product, orshipping are the responsibility of the consumer.HOW TO OBTAIN WARRANTY SERVICETo obtain warranty service or information regarding yourProduct, please contact us at:MANITOWOC ICE, INC.2110 So. 26th St.P.O. Box 1720,Manitowoc, WI 54221-1720Telephone: 920-682-0161 Fax: 920-683-7585www.manitowocice.comWHAT IS NOT COVERED?This limited warranty does not cover, and you are solelyresponsible for the costs of: (1) periodic or routinemaintenance, (2) repair or replacement of the Productor parts due to normal wear and tear, (3) defects ordamage to the Product or parts resulting from misuse,abuse, neglect, or accidents, (4) defects or damage tothe Product or parts resulting from improper orunauthorized alterations, modifications, or changes; and(5) defects or damage to any Product that has not beeninstalled and/or maintained in accordance with theinstruction manual or technical instructions provided byManitowoc. To the extent that warranty exclusions arenot permitted under some state laws, these exclusionsmay not apply to you.E XCEPT A S S TATED I N T HE F OLLOWING S ENTENCE , T HISL IMITED W ARRANTY IS T HE S OLE A ND E XCLUSIVEW ARRANTY O F MANITOWOC W ITH R EGARD T O T HEP RODUCT. A LL IMPLIED W ARRANTIES A RE S TRICTLYL IMITED TO T HE D URATION OF T HE L IMITED W ARRANTYA PPLICABLE T O T HE P RODUCTS A S S TATED A BOVE ,INCLUDING B UT N OT L IMITED TO, A NY W ARRANTY OFM ERCHANTABILITY O R OF F ITNESS F OR A P ARTICULARP URPOSE .Some states do not allow limitations on how long animplied warranty lasts, so the above limitation may notapply to you.IN NO E VENT S HALL MANITOWOC OR A NY O F ITSA FFILIATES B E L IABLE T O T HE C ONSUMER O R A NY O THERP ERSON F OR A NY INCIDENTAL , C ONSEQUENTIAL ORS PECIAL D AMAGES O F A NY K IND (I NCLUDING , W ITHOUTL IMITATION, L OSS P ROFITS , R EVENUE O R B USINESS )A RISING F ROM O R I N A NY M ANNER C ONNECTED W ITH T HEP RODUCT, A NY B REACH O F T HIS LIMITED W ARRANTY , ORA NY O THER C AUSE W HATSOEVER, W HETHER B ASED O NC ONTRACT, T ORT O R A NY O THER THEORY OF L IABILITY .Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation ofincidental or consequential damages, so the abovelimitation or exclusion may not apply to you.HOW STATE LAW APPLIESThis limited warranty gives you specific legal rights, andyou may also have rights that vary from state to state orfrom one jurisdiction to another.REGISTRATION CARDTo secure prompt and continuing warranty service, thiswarranty registration card must be completed and sentto Manitowoc within thirty (30) days from the sale date.Complete the following registration card and send it toManitowoc.