Operation Section 33-2 Part Number 000001772 07/08Ice Thickness AdjustmentQM30 dice ice cube formation is slightly different fromour previous models. Manitowoc ice machines have aunique cube shape. It is normal to have a dimple in theice cube (a concave indentation in the cube). Ice cubesfrom the QM30 may appear to have a slightly largerdimple than other Manitowoc dice cube machines.Therefore, cube size for the QM30 is determined bymeasuring the slab weight (the combined weight of allcubes from one harvest cycle). To determine properslab weight follow the instructions listed below.Correct Ice Bridge Thickness1. Ensure the air filter, front, and back panels areinstalled properly and close the bin door.2. During the third harvest cycle open the bin door andcatch the entire slab of ice.3. Weigh the ice slab. The combined weight of allcubes from one harvest should weigh between 200 -270g (7 - 9-oz). If the slab weight is within thisrange, the ice machine is working properly and nofurther action is needed. If the slab weight is notwithin this range or you desire a slightly thicker orthinner cube, continue to step four.4. Remove the air filter.5. Remove the two screws holding the front panel inplace and remove the front cover.6. Locate the ice thickness control dial on the controlboard (see below). Turn the dial clockwise for athicker cube or counter clockwise for a thinner cube.Ice Thickness Adjustment Dial7. Assure all of the panels and air filter are reinstalledproperly and the bin door is closed. Repeat stepsone through three.After completing the procedure above, if you are unableto obtain a sheet of ice weighing 200 - 270g(7 - 9-oz) contact the Manitowoc Service Department forfurther assistance.! WarningDo not touch electrical wires. Disconnect power tothe ice machine before making any ice thicknessadjustments.ICE BRIDGE SHOULD BE 1.5MM TO 3.2 MM THICKNESSA DIMPLE INEACH CUBECELL ISNORMALICE THICKNESSADJUSTMENTDIALDIAL ISFACTORY SETTO ZERO