ñ125ñQ320 Series - Self-Contained Water-CooledCharacteristics may vary depending on operating conditions.CYCLE TIMESFreeze Time + Harvest Time = Total Cycle Time24 HOUR ICE PRODUCTIONCONDENSER WATER CONSUMPTIONOPERATING PRESSURESAir Temp.Around IceMachine∞F/∞CFreeze TimeHarvestTimeTimes in minutesWater Temperature ∞F/∞C50/10.0 70/21.1 90/32.270/21.1 12.6-14.4 13.6-15.5 15.4-17.61-2.580/26.7 13.1-14.9 14.2-16.2 16.1-18.490/32.2 13.6-15.5 14.8-16.8 16.9-19.2100/37.8 14.2-16.2 15.4-17.6 17.7-20.2Air Temp.Around IceMachine ∞F/∞CWater Temperature ∞F/∞CBased on average ice slab weight of 2.94 - 3.31 lb.50/10.0 70/21.1 90/32.270/21.1 300 280 25080/26.7 290 270 24090/32.2 280 260 230100/37.8 270 250 220Air Temp. Around IceMachine 90∞F/32.2∞CWater Temperature ∞F/∞CWater regulating valve set to maintain 230 PSIG discharge pressure50/10.0 70/21.1 90/32.2Gal/24 hours 270 560 3200Air Temp.AroundIceMachine∞F/∞CFreeze Cycle Harvest CycleDischargePressurePSIGSuctionPressurePSIGDischargePressurePSIGSuctionPressurePSIGSuction pressure drops gradually throughout the freeze cycle50/10.0 225-235 50-36 160-180 80-11070/21.1 225-235 50-36 170-190 85-11580/26.7 225-240 50-36 170-200 85-11590/32.2 225-250 50-36 170-210 90-120100/37.8 225-260 52-36 170-210 90-120110/43.3 225-265 54-36 175-215 95-125